Chapter 25

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Sooo how did your side go?

I miss you xxx

Hia❤: It went good. Easy like I said

I miss you too xxxx

Easy? Really? So they accept me? 😯

Hia❤: Of course.

What are you doing tonight?

It's Saturday. I'm singing at Jay's.


Hia❤: Er my manager want's to see you

I'll tell him you're busy. Have fun

You're not coming?😢

Hia❤: Sorry darling. Work

Okay. I miss you😢

Hia❤: Miss you too😭 So much

Nunew sighs looking down at his phone. He really hoped Zee would be with him tonight when he sang. At least telling his workplace about me went well, Nunew thought. He was always taught to look for the silver lining even when it was hard. But since I've stayed with Zee for a week, I'm lonely now. I want my Alpha here to hug me. Nunew thought and pouted while he hugged himself looking down.

"You look like a kicked puppy. Do I already have to punch his face in?" Nat's words alert Nunew out of his thoughts as Nat comes into the staff room to his locker.

"No. He isn't able to see me sing tonight. I want him there." Nunew pouts and mumbles out. Nat sighs. Zee Pruk has yet to learn that a sulky Nunew isn't just a cute one but a pain in the arse to deal with. Should I warn him? Nah, Nat thinks smirking. It would be much more fun to see how Zee deals with the sulky Omega.

"Nu, you know what you signed up for. Man works like no tomorrow to the point I even would suggest him having a break. Besides, he's had a week off from work. They're probably making him catch up too." Nat says, walking over to the bench to sit by Nunews side and tap his shoulder with a comforting smile. Producing calming pheromones was as easy as breathing for Nat and the scent quickly spread around the room making Nunew relax.

"I miss him Nat already."

"Already? You haven't seen him for a few hours and you're already missing the guy like crazy. Is he a drug?" Nat says teasing and in a light manner.

"No. He's the most amazing Alpha ever."

"I'm going to puke." Nat says while leaning over and pretending to gag causing Nunew to roll his eyes and laugh. Nat's acting can easily make him smile. However, Nat does have a point. Is Hia a drug? Ever since he first met Zee, he can't help but think about the man in some way. After they confessed it got a hundred times worse. Or was it because of his heat? Either way Nunew found himself really missing Zee when he's not by his side. Maybe I should go to one of his sets and see him? Would Zee be happy? "I know that face. Whatever it is don't and just go back home. Jay is expecting his star tonight."

"You know sometimes I think you should be a psychic instead of a café owner." Nunew says.

"But if I was a psychic, it would be much harder to scare the shit of unexpecting Betas and Alphas." Nat jokes watching Nunew giggle.

"Okay. I'll go straight home."

"Good. Now piss off before I make you work overtime too since you also had a week off."


"I prefer the term power bottom." Nat says smiling extra sweetly making Nunew in turn do gagging motions. He very rarely if at all wants to know in detail Nat's sex life. Waving a quick goodbye Nunew walks quickly out of the staff room and café into the busy street. Thankfully it was still light out and busy that he didn't have to worry too much about getting suddenly jumped. "Nunew. We meet again." Ah fuck not again, Nunew thought as the shooting went straight through Nunew's ears and brain making him freeze. "Turn round. See me." Nunew internally weeps and sighs as his body moves around by itself. Ah, Andy. I should remember to tell Zee so he can have fun with Andy while I watch. Actually, scratch that I'll come after Andy myself when I'm mated and use his intestines as a skipping rope. Wait did I get that off Nat?

"Nunew stop listening and get into that car there. I'll take you home." Another jolt louder than the last Alpha voice smashes through his head. But unlike with Andy, Nunew wasn't afraid. He knew this voice. This voice belonged to who he guesses could be glassed as a friend. Feeling his body turn back around again to face the man behind him, he saw the tall dark brown-haired man that his seen by Zee's side before. Max. Max nodded towards the yellow sports car behind him pulled up as a sign to go to it. Nunew used his eyes to smile as he felt his feet start to move towards the car.

"Nunew stop. Return to me." Andy growled out again. Nunew expected his body to turn round again and go back like he was in a tug-of-war but instead his body just kept taking him closer to the passenger side of the yellow sports car.

"What did you do?" Nunew heard the growl as he opened the front passenger side.

"What else? My voice is stronger than a weakling's like you. The Omega is taken by the one who put you on your arse. You lost." Max says smirking before turning around with his hands in his pockets and walking towards his car. Owch, you bastard. Nunew thinks. Has Max forgotten that Andy was strong enough to control Nunew? By saying Andy is a weakling then what does that make him? Max don't come asking me for help with Nat. You're on your own after insulting me.

Getting into the driver's side Max starts the engine back up before pulling away, all the while keeping one eye on the Alpha who was still in shock. Max knew the likely hood of the Alpha jumping in front of his car was slim, but it was still there. Alphas like this guy who don't seem to handle rejection or losing well can come up with the craziest ideas. Only when Max had driven down the main road several minutes towards downtown and Jays bar did Max say "Release control. You're free from me."

"Thanks Max. How come you was there? For Nat?"

"Yes and no. My work had finished about two hours ago. Zee had a bad feeling and asked me to check up on you. I honestly said no until Zee said mentioned I would likely to see Nat. SO here I am. Tell me where to go."

"You know Nat likes you." Nunew smirks at the sudden shock on Max's face as said face looked at him then back at the road. "I mean from what I heard you're like a baby duckling following its mummy along. The fact Nat hasn't put you in hospital yet because of that is enough incentive to suggest he likes you."

"Are you helping me?"

"Fuck no. You called me weak. Figure Nat's heart out by yourself if you're going to go after him. But I will warn you. Hurt Nat either physically, emotionally, or mentally and they will never find your body. Do. You. Understand. Me. Max?" Nunew says leaning over the gear shift and making sure he catches Max's eyes.

"Zee really knows how to pick them. Yes, I understand. Now where are we going?" Max says sighing before straightening his sitting posture and speeding up. Leaning back into his seat satisfied and with arms crossed Nunew gives orders towards his home.

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