Chapter 39

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Author note: Hi guys!!! Long time-no see. Happy New Year! So for those of you who don't know the whole of November and the first week of December I was very ill. I even went to hospital twice. After I had gotten better with Christmas right round the corner I had to then focus on family. However, now I'm better again and writing. I know its been a long wait and I'm sorry. Thank you for waiting for me to update and supporting This Omega Bites. As a writer it warms my heart that people love my story enough to wait and want updates. Anyway onto what you actually want Chapter 39!


"Soooo explain to me again why you're going to see jewellery with Zee?" Nat says as he sits across the dining table from Nunew in Zee's apartment and stirring his cup of tea.

"Because Nunew is now working under Zee's company. Zee's going to this event. And since Nunew is his Omega, he is expected to make an appearance too." Prem says looking at Nat while he put another crisp in his mouth. Nunew had found out that morning that in the days he and Zee were in hiding Prem and Nat had met and exchanged numbers.

"The company also wants me to do a 'couple photoshoot' with Zee. Something about how an Omega and Alpha wearing the same jewellery but in different metal being amazing."

"See that is also what I don't understand. Nunew modelling and a couple photoshoot. Seems pointless." Nat said pointing his teaspoon at Nunew but looking at Prem for help.

"It happens all the time in this industry. I stopped counting after ten. Boun finds it annoying but it's a job that needs to be done. Besides you get extra money when it's a couple photoshoot."

"I changed my mind. I like couple photoshoots and its not pointless." Nat says swing his head to Nunew and grinning innocently, making Nunew laugh and Prem to smile. However, that smile quickly fades from Prem's face as he shuffles uncomfortably in his seat.

"Yeah, about the jewellery company. There might be someone coming that you won't want to see. I tried to see if his deal with the brand had ended but couldn't find anything."

"Someone he won't want to see?" Nat asks.

"Saint." Prem winces after saying the name before looking at Nunew.

"And?" Nunew asks with a blank look. It wasn't that he was unaffected by the knowledge Saint might be there but because he already expected to see Saint at one point. Theres no way he would be in this new world and fortunately not come across him.

"And you're fine with that?" Prem asks blinking his eyes a couple of times in shock.

"No but I'm not going to hide from the bastard. I'm Zees partner. His Omega. And only his Omega. There is no other Omega. Saint has a problem with that then I'm more than happy to let him know what I think of him."

"Poor bastard will end up dead." Nat muttered under his breath but not low enough that Prem couldn't hear.

"Nu will kill him?" Prem said tilting his head to Nat.

"Ego and Pride? yes definitely. Nu has shredded people before and given them a wake-up call. Physically? Nunew doesn't tend to attack anyone unless provoked. Even then he doesn't normally lay a hand on Omegas." Nat said nodding towards Nunew as Nunew watched on.

"I think I might make and exception for Saint though." Nunew grinned while looking Nat in the eyes. Nat smirked. People might have caught on that Nunew has attitude, but they don't realise he has more than that. He has verbal teeth and claws as well as physical. Nunew can bite in more ways than one. Look like an enchanter Nunew while being as deadly as a predatory cat.

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