Chapter 18

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Comfy. Soft. Smells like I'm under trees at the sea in the summer. Wait, what? Slowly opening his eyes Nunew blinks several times and squints against the morning sunlight filtering through the curtains from the wall of windows on his right. Wall of window? My apartment doesn't have a wall of windows. Shit! Bolting up right Nunew suddenly groans in pain loudly before plopping down on his back and looking around. This was definitely not his bedroom. This room alone could fit his open plan kitchen and living room in. With a king size bed, a huge, mounted flat screen tv opposite it and modern décor hanging over all the walls it was way different to Nunews place. While the carpet was off-white, the wall behind the bed was black along with the bed but not the sheets and duvet which were white. The rest of the furniture was black with white legs or tops. Only a couple of photos scattered around. It was modern but maybe too modern for Nunews taste. It felt...cold, like the warmth inside was lost. Where was he and more importantly why was his head and tummy hurting so bad? Wait...did I?...No. Thank God. But where the hell am I?

"Nu is your tummy okay?" The warm, almost shy voice floated from the door. Looking towards the door Nunew saw Zee leaning his shoulder on the frame. Oh hell. He looks...biteable. Nunew blushes at the thought. Zee wasn't wearing any top but had jogging bottoms on with his Calvin Klein underwear peaking over the top. Nor did he have any product on his hair, and it was just left messy. I wanna bite. Nunews Omega genes whispered and damn did he want to agree. And this time he didn't think it was because his heat was tomorrow. His heat. Tomorrow.

"Zee, I need to get home." Nunew panicked getting up only to suddenly flop down again and groan. Zee rushed over quickly and sat down on the side of the bed to Nunew and looked at him.

"Nunew you will go home but not right this minute. You went through a lot yesterday." Zee murmured stroking Nunews arm and hand. "Do you want me to rub your tummy better? It hurts right?"

"Zee what happened yesterday? I only member drinking and being pissed off you weren't there. Then a drink came...and...and..I don't remember anything more. Why does my head hurt? And my tummy. Actually, why does everything hurt? Why am I at yours?" Nunew was so confused to say the least. So many questions floating around his head and he couldn't tell whether he preferred them to the image of a half-naked Zee stroking his arm and hand. His fingers are long. He did prefer this rather large, comfy bed though. So soft and snuggly. Nunew couldn't help but wiggle, so he could be covered more with the blanket and get more swamped within the bed and pillows. But never did he move away from Zee.

Adorable. Cute. Pretty. Zee couldn't help but think as he saw Nu get more comfortable in his rather large bed. It was the only bed in his apartment, and he didn't want Nu to be asleep on his large orange sofa. So, his bed was the only option. Last night was a nightmare when he got home. First, he had to sneak into the apartment building, which is a nightmare on its own when its just himself let alone carrying an unconscious Omega wanted by the media. Then he had to try and open his door and take his shoes off without bashing or dropping Nu. Before, carrying Nu to his bedroom and bed. It was there he had another panic. What was he supposed to do next? Does he undress Nunew? Keep his dirty clothes on? In the end he settled with taking Nunews clothes off all part from his boxers so he could wash the clothes. He dressed Nunew in one of his baggy shirts, though it drowned Nunew and made him look tiny.

"You, naughty boy, got in trouble with an Alpha. Again. I leave you alone for one night only to find an Alpha trying to take you as his when I come to see you after work." Zee says tapping Nunews nose and playfully frowning. He wanted to be angry but small Nu in his big bed was playing havoc with his mind.

"Zeeeeeeeee. I'm not naughty. I'm hurt and don't understand. Explain properly pleeease." Nunew pouts looking up at Zee with big doe eyes.

Sighing Zee shakes his head and looks down to Nunews hand and started playing with it not wanting to look at Nunew when he told him. "Fine. Nunew you were spiked. An Alp-"

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