Chapter 20

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Day 4. That is if I've counted correctly, Nunew thinks. Three more days before his heat is over. Three more days before he has to leave this amazing apartment and Zees side. I don't want to leave here or him, Nunew sighed sitting and leaning his shoulder by one of the living rooms glass walls looking out at the city. He originally, at the start of all this, wanted to be at his home suffering alone. Now, he doesn't just want to be here just during his heats. I wanna be here all the time. Bringing his knees up to his chest, he rested his chin on them. He felt troubled and confused.

"Nunew what's the matter baby boy? Your heat starting to build again?" The warm tone of said Alpha came towards him. Looking up at the moving Alpha, Nunew just gave a half smile that he hoped would be mistaken for a full one.

"I'm okay Hia. The heat isn't too bad yet."

"Naughty boy. Didn't I tell you to behave?" Zee speaks quietly as he crouches down beside Nunew to look at him in the eyes. Zee might be oblivious and clumsy at times but in no way was he a complete fool. Nunews chocolate eyes were distant and sad. Something inside Zee told him he was the cause, and he couldn't stand not knowing any longer. He learnt early on, that demanding from this Omega would not work. Nunew would just shut him down and say fuck off.

Blushing, beet red Nunew slaps a hand over Zee's mouth before adding in a shy zone " said that in a different circumstance."

"True but at the time your hands were on an adventure trying to rile me up while I was trying to feed you. But the point still stands. So please tell me what's really happening Nunew." Zee sits down on the floor opposite him and waits.

"You'll be annoyed."

"Only if you lie to me Nu. I'm worried about you all the time. So much. Even if you're in my apartment but I can't see you. If you're not happy I want to know why." Zee says in all seriousness. This feels like another conversation that's going to change something between them.

"Zee, you'll tell me the truth, right?" Nunew whispers out the question, semi-hoping that Zee does not hear it at all.

"Of course, baby." Damn his too good hearing skills, Nunew thought.

"Zee..." Nunew goes to say before stopping. The question was hard. He didn't want to know the answer but at the same time he wanted to know. Sensing Nunews apprehension and seeing Nunew look at his feet and close in on himself Zee knew he had to stop it before Nunew shut down completely.

Grabbing Nunews covered knee, Zee tries to ground Nunew to him and the present. "Nunew it's okay. Tell me sweet baby boy."

Looking at Zee's eyes for a few seconds Nunew could tell the sincerity in them. Zee wasn't going to be annoyed at him. Zee was just going to listen. Closing his eyes though, not wanting to see Zee's reaction Nunew says "Zee, what are we? I...I wanna stay with you."

Not expecting that question Zee remained silent and stared. What was he and Nunew? Apart from the obvious 30-year-old Dominant Alpha and 21-year-old Omega what was they? They had only known each other for a few weeks now. People could easily call them friends-with-benefits, but he didn't feel that fit them. At least not from his perspective. What are we Nu? You want to stay with me but in what way?

"In what meaning do you want to stay with me Nu?" Zee asks back. He hopes the answer is the same he has started to come to as he looks more and more back on their relationship. He doesn't want to get his hopes up again.

"Only if you tell me why you already look so sad Zee? What are you thinking?"

"Answer mine first Nunew." Zee knew Nunew was trying to sway the focus off of him, but Zee wouldn't allow him this time. Nunew needed to answer. At the end of the day, whatever Nu wanted, Zee had already decided to give him willingly.

"Don't laugh at me, okay?"

"Never during a serious talk." Zee swears firmly.

"What would happen if urm...well...urm...ahhh how do I say this? Shit. Saint. Are you still in love with him?" Nunew mumbles out the last bit as quickly as he could. If he knew the answer to that he would know the answer to his question. Zee's rubbing hand froze on Nunews knee. Why did Nunew suddenly bring up him? Besides Nunew had said he was a fan of him. Surely if he was a fan, he would know the answer to that question already. But the big staring doe eyes in front of him looking in fear and apprehension told him Nunew truly didn't.

"No Nunew. There's no way I could be in love with him again. Promise. Wipe that thought completely from your mind and burn it to ashes." Zee said seriously and loudly enough to make sure that Nunew truly got his point. Nunew simply stared at him with wide eyes. He's not lying, Nunew thought analysing Zees appearance, body language and scent. If that's the case, then maybe?

"What about me Zee? Do you like me in a way more than friends? Like urm...maybe...geez what's wrong with me why-"

"If I said yes, would you run a mile?" Zee said turning cold. It was becoming a self-preservation tactic for him. Second nature after the hate and rejection he got from the media, certain 'fans' and Saint. If he felt cold and nothing at all, then his mind and emotions couldn't get hurt.

"Don't do that to me Zee. Don't hide from me please. I beg you." Nunew whispered seeing the metaphorical shutters closing in Zees eyes. Zee was turning as cold as the place Nunew had woken up in the first time. Nunew realised, the reason this apartment felt so cold was because Zee had started to do this. I have to come clean, bring back my slightly damaged Zee. I have to heal him. Taking a deep breath and praying to every Deity he could think of Nunew said loudly in a soft but authoritative tone "Zee come back to your boyfriend. Come back to me."

Those words crashed into Zee's shutters like a sledgehammer through thin glass pulling a devastating whimper from Zee before his tears spilled. He couldn't stop crying. He just let them flow. Feeling Nunew move and wrap his arms around Zee's shoulders, Zee just sat there, head hung low, while tears flowed like waterfalls as he done loud wretched sobs. Nunew just held him. Burying his own head into Zees scent gland Nunew tried desperately to keep his heat at bay and produce the most powerful calming scent he could ever muster from his smaller body. Zee had done it in the past when Nunew needed this. Now it was Nunews turn even if his heart felt like it was going to shatter from the pain Zee had bottled up and was going through. All those who had hurt Zee better be prepared. They had signed their own death warrants the day they hurt Zee. Nunew was coming after them. And Nunew learnt from the best True Omega going on revenge tactics.

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