Chapter 22

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Author Note: Hi everyone! So for those who follow me you would of seen in my post I was going to change the names of the characters to put This Omega Bites in for the Watty Awards as it was eligible and if it didn't become a finalist or win I'd change all the names back to make it a ZeeNunew fanficion again. Unfortunately, I've become unwell and unable to finish changing the names. So starting from this chapter its back to regular ZeeNunew names again. Sorry for the inconvenience. See you in the next chapter I'll publish!


"So, what are we going to do?" Nunew says stopping eating to look up at Zee across the table. It was the last day of his heat and while he still felt the hum, he could now focus on everyday things again without having Zee's knot every 3-4 hours. Though to be fair it was now roughly every 5 hours. Not because he needed it because of his heat but because the drop-dead gorgeous man in front of him refused to wear a top all the time. Either it was too hot or because he'd be 'taking it off again in a few hours'. His boxers, or for the past week nothing, below his low rising sweatpants or shorts made Nunews mouth water and his heat to flare too. Especially when he could see Zee's Adonis belt and happy trail so clearly. Man was built like a Greek God you see in museums.

"About what?" Zee asks while taking a mouthful of food from Nunews plate. Normally Nunew would growl but he couldn't help but let his alpha get away with it with the way he looked- puffed out cheeks full of food and so cute.

"Us. We're dating. Your fans and workplace are going to go mental because you're with a common Omega. I have nothing to my name." Nunew shrugs. It's true of course. He was just an average Omega from an average family. He didn't have a company to be linked too nor family connections. He wasn't born with a spoon in his mouth either. Nor was he famous.

"You have your voice, personality, smile, lips, eyes, body especially that arse of yours."

"Behave. Don't get me riled up. It might be my last day of heat so I'm almost normal again, but I am still in heat. Besides darling, I am really worried about this." Nunew states looking down at his brunch. Zee allowed him to sleep in too late after some of their 'late night exercises' so now breakfast and lunch are together.

Watching Nunew, Zee swallowed his mouthful before putting his spoon down and grabbing one of Nunews hands that was on the table. "Darling. Let me deal with that side of things, okay? I know how to deal with them. If you really want to help, then you can face Nat for me. No way am I seeing him in person." Zee said shivering at the thought of having to deal with Nat in person. He would like to keep his dick and balls, let alone the possibility to have children. After Fae had gone to tell Nat of the situation, she then phoned Zee complaining to never make her go up against a True Omega again. Nat hadn't even done anything but the barely contained energy and atmosphere coming from Nat made her want to run a mile. As it was, she was thankful Zee recommended her taking Max along. It seems Max presence had kept the Omega in check without him even walking fully into the café.

"Deal with Nat? What makes you think I can deal with him? He stopped me from singing after I saved an Omega in heat from an Alpha." Nunew says rising an eyebrow trying not to laugh. Nat would never intentionally hurt him, physically or mentally but there are a lot of things worse than death; and Nunew wouldn't put it past Nat to be able to do most of them.

"You. Did. What?" Zee coughed out between breaths after taking a sip of his strong coffee. "Nunew, baby, that was dangerous for you."

"Yeah, yeah Zee. Already heard the lecture and had the punishment. Besides I should be grateful of that punishment." Nunew murmurs the last part looking down at their joined hands and smiling at the thought. It was true, he should be grateful.

"Why would you be grateful for a punishment? You into that stuff?"

"Because the night I ran into you crying was the night I was punished Zee. Without the punishment we might have never met. We owe our in-person meeting to Nat and Jay." Nunew said softly looking up into Zee's deep eyes and smiling. Zee couldn't help but smile back. Maybe Nat wasn't so bad after all. But-

"I'm still not dealing with Nat. No way." Zee said in a firm voice. He would not budge. He's heard of True Omegas and what they can do. No way.

"Fine. I'll deal with Nat." Nunew huffs before getting up and taking his plate to the kitchen sink without looking back at Zee. Hearing Zee whine, he could hear the chair scrape on the floor before hearing footsteps as Zee wondered over to him before feeling strong, muscled arms wrap around his waist locking him in place.

"Darling please don't be stubborn like this. Don't you want me whole?" Zee mumbles into the junction where Nunews shoulder meets his neck before giving it a quick kiss and resting his chin on it.

"Nat would say he wouldn't waste his energy. But I know you really don't want to do it so I will. Is there anyone you're going up against that will be tough?" Nunew says holding the arms around his waist and leaning back into the comforting warmth before closing his eyes to just enjoy and soak up Zees body heat, smiling in the process. Zee noticed and didn't mind at all. His stubborn Omega was so cute still.

"Hmm I don't know. Fae and Max already like you. I know my parents will like you. Maybe P'Aof or the fans I'm worried about."

"Who is P'Aof?"

"CEO and producer of the company I'm under. He's a Beta but at times I feel like he acts as if he is an Alpha when he really isn't. Fae picks up on it a lot. He doesn't exactly have the same opinions of Omegas and me, Max and Fae do." Zee says while guiding Nunew to the orange sofa in the living room.

"Is he someone I need to watch out for?" Nunew says tilting his head back to look up at Zee.

"Baby boy, you don't need to watch out for anyone with me around. No one with two brain cells would willingly go up against a Dominant Alpha. If he starts anything, don't listen to him or take anything to heart. Come straight to me, Max, Fae or her 'boo'" Zee says sitting down and moving Nunew to sit by his side and lean into him, before grabbing the remote and switching on the tv.

"Fae has a boyfriend?" Nunew asks. When he wasn't in the throws of heat Zee did explain to him who Fae was and that in fact Nunew had already met her. She was the smaller presence Nunew noticed with Zee and Max that night at the bar. According to Zee, Fae already likes him from before they met.

"Yeah, but he isn't around all the time on sets or at events. So if you come to see me, he might or might not be there."

"What makes you think I'll visit you on set or at events? I'm supposed to lay low remember?" Nunew says while looking up at Zee.

"I'm sorry to break it to you darling but you're dating me. There's no 'lay low' any longer." Zee murmurs before pecking Nunews forehead, making him smile. Zee watched as Nunews plump lips turned up into a wide smile.

"Well then. I guess the fans and entertainment industry has to make way for Omega Nunew."

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