Chapter 42

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Authors Note: So yeah, turns out I was 2/3rd's done. Also I know how a lot of you might want Nunew to do a different drama than the one I'm putting him in and that I've messed with release dates of dramas. The reason why I put him in this one is simply because it's one of my favourite BL's and I think this would be a BL that could truly show the general public that Nunew can be a good actor not just a random Omega.


"I don't understand."

"You don't need to. It isn't hard. Help find me a job that would make someone look like an Angel. If an Omega can understand this, why can't you?" Prem says sighing as he flicks through numerous offers for himself both in paper and on the screen of his laptop. Shaking his head Boun plops down on the sofa next to Prem while looking at him before pulling out his phone to text his manager. He doesn't really understand why Prem, and now him, are doing this but coming home and seeing his very tired and stressed-out Omega on the sofa is not something he likes to see. As an Alpha it is his job to care for his beloved Omega.

"This is for Nunew right?" Boun guesses, as he remembers that he had a very sulky Alpha this morning at his door. He could practically see droopy ears and a tail between Zees legs as he was told that Prem kicked him out of his own apartment and told to do some 'Alpha stuff' with Boun. Whatever 'Alpha stuff' is.

"Yep. He needs to be seen as an Angel. The question is how. All these offers so far though fit me better than him. Its frustrating. He's my friend and I want to help so bad. Nat can offer knowledge of True Omegas while I can't. Getting a job for him is the only way I can help so I jumped at it. I don't want to feel useless." Prem says sighing while leaning back from the laptop and combing a hand through his hair. It was all well and good him saying leave it to me but none of the offers he has seen fit the image of Nunew. Charity straight off the bat would be seen as damage control; not doing anything would be seen as him being afraid; singing could possibly, well more like likely, bring attention to his history of breaking curfew and singing all sorts at a bar. He could continue working at Nat's café but that won't start to shine Nunew in an Angelic light. At best it will just show he is just unbothered. The only other option is acting, and from which he knows, Nunew has never tried in his life.

"Agh! This is so much harder than I thought it would be. Charity is a no go, doing nothing is a no go, singing is a no go too." Prem says putting his head in his hands before running his fingers through his hair only to lean back again. He has to try harder; he thinks.

"Acting then." Boun says shrugging and looking at Prem who has his head tilted up and staring at the ceiling as if some divine intervention will happen. Reaching over, Boun pulls a tired Prem onto his lap facing him. Leaning up Boun presses a quick kiss to Prems forehead before looking him in the eyes while wrapping his arms round him. Prems shoulders start to sag as he lets out a small sigh.

Looking into his favourite deep pools of brown Prem mumbles "That's a possible no go too. From what I know he has never acted, and Zee probably won't allow him to act in his first drama without him which Nunew needs to do. He'll be seen as relying on Zee and his connections otherwise."

"But it is also a possible go too babe. I have an idea. Zee probably won't like it much or Max, but Nunew would be working with us on a BL drama at least. What's more he will be working with Earth too." Boun says smirking and praying internally that both Ohm and Fluke would say yes to the last-minute change in cast. The director is no problem to Boun, its just he doesn't want to upset an Omega that can be irritably petty or the Alpha that has a soft spot for said Omega.

"Until We Meet Again? Why? That's similar to Saints drama I think." Prem says while tilting his head and staring wide-eyed at his Alpha. Surely, Boun couldn't think of doing a competing drama. I mean, having Nunew play the leading role itself is going to be suspicious.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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