Chapter 4

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Busy was an understatement. By the time the lunch rush was over Nunew was ecstatic to get his break and practically skipped out the front door of the café with his wallet in hand to go to a dessert place not far from the café. It was his favourite place to get cakes and other desserts. Well, almost favourite. Nat's homemade desserts were a slice of heaven. Though he would rarely eat them from the café either because they were all sold out or because he felt guilty eating what Nat made to sell. Nat never once scolded him though when he did take one. Only insisting that Nunew didn't eat a lot as it was bad for his health. Nunew always listened and took one big slice of a cake or a big single dessert instead of many. What can he say? Desserts are his weakness.

After walking for five minutes to then cross over the street he made it to his desired destination and opened the door. The sudden wall of sugar, sweetness and icing sugar hit him hard. Taking a deep breath, he went in and lined up as always to get an order. While contemplating what delicious snack to buy Nunew saw one of the Pastry Chefs come out from the back with a newly made Banoffee Pie. That's what he will have. When it gets to his turn he pays for his order and waits before taking it, throwing a thank you over his shoulder and walks away back to Nat's café.

It wasn't even two minutes into his walk when he noticed such a strong nauseating scent of lust pheromones. He heard a scream and saw commotion diagonally in front of him. Looking through a few people from afar he could see a female omega panting and on the ground with her face aflame and wrist held up by an Alpha. Fuck. Turmoil started to set in as he watched the struggle between the Omega and Alpha take hold. Each second that went by he could see the Omegas pheromones starting to take more of an effect on the Alpha. Not too long and that Alpha or any nearby will go into a rut and drag her down the nearest alley, whether she was willing or unwilling. No one cared after all- It was the Omegas fault. Its always the Omegas fault. Omegas are warned to never get involved in these situations, Nat alone would be furious at him. And in no way does anyone sane want a True Omega furious at them. At the same time though he couldn't bring himself to just forget about her and turn a blind eye to her situation. If he was in her situation he would hope that someone would rush and help him. Sighing and praying to everything divine above, he put down his dessert on a window ledge to a closed store and ran across the road towards the Omega in need.

"Oi! Let her go. You can see she needs to get Heat Suppressants into herself fast. Standing too close to her isn't going to help her let alone touch her." Nunew shouts as he comes closer to the pair. He couldn't bring himself to care that other people were stopping and starting to whisper and giggle at the scene. An Omega in heat, an Alpha soon to be in a rut and rape the poor woman and a male Omega running to the rescue. What a sight indeed.

"Fuck off Omega. You're just another slut waiting to be fucked by a real Alpha. If you don't piss off you'll be mine too." The Alpha growls turning he head to Nunew as Nunew stopped running and started walking. Nunew wouldn't dare show it but no matter how many times he goes up against an Alpha a part of Nunew is always terrified. Alphas were physically stronger and faster than Omegas by far. The Alpha wouldn't even have to use his full strength to break Nunew's bones if he so desired. Omegas were weak creatures when it came to anything physical. However, Nunew knew that what a lot of people didn't realise was that Omegas make up for that issue in their slyness, cunning and flexibility when fighting. All Omegas needed to be taught was the moves to fight. Lucky for him he had an Alpha father that instead of being disappointed and ashamed of his only son for being born an Omega he decided to love Nunew as if he was an Alpha and teach him every way he could think of in order for Nunew to be prepared for any situation. He didn't even blame his Omega mate for their son being born an Omega. He's father truly was one in a million that every Alpha should aim to be.

"No. I suggest you go fuck yourself instead in some alley near here. Scum like you are not worth my precious backsides time. My fellow Omega on the other hand is very much worth my time. So, I'll repeat one last time. Piss. Off. Alpha. Scum" Nunew stands up straight putting a hand on his waist and looking the Alpha dead in the eyes. Definitely not the safest thing to do looking in the eyes of an Alpha and not backing down but it was a risk he had to take. As expected, the Alpha did not like his words nor the challenge in his eyes. Eyes turning red, pupils turning slightly slitted the Alpha done a deep, low warning growl. Responding in kind Nunew let his own Omega instinct come to the forefront and make his own eyes turn a warm honey gold and his pupils turn cat like. Ignoring the whimpering Omega sitting on the ground he kept his eyes dead focused looking into the Alphas eyes. This was now a battle between a protective Omega and a very annoyed and horny Alpha. Not the best of mixes.

"Little Omega you seem to have forgotten your place in society. Let me remind you. Kneel and obey." The sudden jolt of the Alpha voice went straight into Nunew like an electric shock. He felt his brain start to hurt and his ears ring before kneeling to the floor. Fucking, stupid arse, Alpha fucking voice NuNew thought. When he kneeled, the other Omega started whimpering more as the Alpha laughed, and the public snickered.

Seeing the male Omega kneel gave great pleasure to the Alpha. He let go of the whimpering woman's wrist and moved to stand in front of the male Omega. Just what Nunew wanted. Giving a side glance to the female omega and flicking a random bottle cap on the ground to her to catch her attention he gave her a simple look that said 'Trust me.' Her eyes turned gold and she slightly nodded. If this worked, they would hopefully get free, and both be safe. If it didn't well...the Alpha would be the last of his worries. His dad would kill him, and Nat would torture him before killing him... Then bring him back to life to clean up the mess before killing him again.

As expected, thinking that Alpha Voice was working on Nunew the Alpha let his guard down and boasted to the crowd that omegas are pitiful and nothing. Turning just slightly enough so Nunew could see the back of the Alphas knees, Nunew took the opportunity to attack. Moving so he could kick the back of the Alphas knees he managed to make the boasting Alpha suddenly shocked, on the ground and confused. Grabbing the woman by the wrist he bolted her and himself through the crowd and stunned on lookers back to where his beloved Banoffee Pie was waiting for him, grabbing it and sprinting while dragging a half sane Omega to Nat's café.

When he burst through the café's door every customer and staff looked to the out of breath Omegas before starting to realise one smelled like they wanted sex. Badly. Nat's brain only took two seconds to put two-and-two together before he rush and dragged both Nunew and the female Omega out back and locking them in the staff locker room before running to get a heat suppressant shot for the poor Omega. He trusted his other employees would look after the café out front while he dealt with the chaos out back. Nu is dead.

I have hell to pay was the first thought in Nunew's head when Nat walked back into the locker room and looked at him. Hiding his beloved dessert from view more he simply sat and watched as Nat administered the medicine to the woman and started patching up wounds. Nat was silent. The only time he was silent around Nunew was when he was pissed. Like big time pissed. Nunew gulped. Nat was not part of the plan.

Once he finished patching the woman up Nat turned to Nunew and with glowing gold eyes muttered two words "Home. Now". Not exactly what Nunew thought would be said but the impact was just as bad. Being sent home early from work in this situation meant only one thing. Nat was about to lose it and wanted to keep Nunew safe from his temper. It was rare that Nat was like this but given the situation as well as the fact that a very pissed off alpha was likely searching for him and the woman Nunew guessed Nat's instincts were kicking in on trying to work out how to keep himself, his staff, his customers, Nunew and the omega still oozing pheromones safe from Alphas. Removing Nunew from this area was the best option. Nodding, Nunew muttered an apology to Nat and a 'get well' to the half-conscious female Omega before bolting it out the door. Never forgetting to pick up his pie on the way home.

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