Chapter 23

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"Come again?" Nat said looking confused with his arms crossed and leaning behind him onto the counter. He must, must be hearing things. The older Omega in front of him, dressed in a T-shirt too big partially tucked into his tight jeans, was telling him his worst nightmare as if he was discussing the weather. Breathe Nat. Breathe. This is our loveable Nunu.

"Me and Zee. We're dating." Nunew says for the third time, hoping it would work a charm. He was confident this morning waking up in Zee's warm arms and bed that he could face Nat. The 20 kisses after waking up also helping him gain strength and making his heart blush. Now he's praying to any deity out there listening. Nat heard him clearly the first time, if the drop of a small glass cup in the semi-full café was any indication. It had been a while since Nunew had been in the café. Seems like Nat decided to take the 'I'll pay for it all Nat' at its word and a little too far. Nat decided to take his anger out on Zees bank account. There wasn't just a new counter, till, coffee machines that were replaced but the whole café had been redesigned inside. Colour changes, new furniture too.

If it wasn't for Nunew seeing Nat as he walked into the café, Nunew would have thought he'd walked into the wrong café. While the ceiling was originally white with a few hanging lights it was now changed into an indoor canopy of different types of leaves with warm spotlights peeking through. The old wood, and marble counter had been changed to a fully marble one. Though one thing Nat didn't change was that all the tables and chairs were still wooden just with black, metal legs instead. Nat had somehow added fairy lights into the design too behind the bar. All the machines, and till were top of the range and latest out too, with the dessert counter noticeably larger and more stylish. Nunew internally wept for Zee and his bank account.

"Dating as in boyfriends?" Nat tried to stay calm. Where was Max when he needed him. Whenever Nat doesn't need Max, he's around him like a lost puppy but when he does need him, he's nowhere to be fucking found. Bastard Alpha.

"What else?" Nunew huffed. Calm Nunew. Don't let Nat set you off. You won't win in the fight.

"What part of 'you're a normal Omega. Don't get involved with Dominant Alphas' do you not get Nu? I know you've been crushing hard on him for ages but get a grip. He could accidently hurt you without meaning to. Besides he's famous Nunew. You're going to be going up against crazy fans, the media, his workplace too. Mingling with more Alphas. What if they find out about Chawarin?" Nat says pinching his nose. He knew he sounded like a jerk, but he just wasn't sure Nunew knew what he was fully getting himself into. And if he did? Zee I'm gonna make you go bankrupt Nat thought.

"Nat trust me. Please? Zee has took such good care of me not just in heat but before then. He's never willingly hurt me –"

"He's hurt you?" Nat's eyes shifted amber immediately. In response Nunew changed his eyes to his omegas gold eyes too. He was dating Zee now. And no one would hurt Zee without going through him. He won't win in a head on fight against Nat, but his point will be made.

"At Jays before my heat I was spiked. Not only was I nearly raped but I was barely conscious. Zee not only saved me from being attacked, but also made me throw up what was in my tummy. He cried afterwards. Nat, he loves me too much to hurt me." Nunew pleaded. Just thinking about the memory of waking up and seeing a grown arse Dominant Alpha try not to cry over him made his heart ache. I'll be more careful Zee. So, you won't have to shed tears for hurting me again.

"Nunu I'm just scared. You're not built like me. Buuuut I give. Be with Zee. You're glowing. And if my best friend is safe and happy then so be it. But if he breaks your heart, I'll break his face. Tell him that okay? Break Nunews heart and I'll break his face." Nat said pointing at Nunew and looking him in the eyes. He really wasn't joking. If Zee hurt Nunew at all he'd make Zee beg for death buuuut Nunew in all his heartbreak wouldn't want Zee hurt so Nat would just have to settle for putting Zee in hospital. "Get in the back and put your apron on. You're working today, Mr. Taken."

"Yes Boss. Right away Boss." Nunew says smirking and saluting before as he walks towards the staff room.

"That Omega will be the death of me." Nat mutters as he goes to behind the till in order to welcome the next customer.

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