I found it fun to tease you!

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"Can we start over?" Nikolai asked.

"Uhh...we can what?!" Jin asked in disbelief, did he just hear that? from Nikolai's mouth nonetheless!

"I don't like repeating myself...this is your chance, you asked for one remember?" Nikolai said while Shamelessly wiping his teary face with Jin's shirt.

"My brain made an error right now...what kind of chances are we talking about?!" Jin asked, his arms loosened a little around Nikolai, as Jin found it difficult to comprehend Nikolai's words.

Sniffing one last time, Nikolai broke their hug and sat upright on the bed, Jin followed his client and sat on the bed as well.

"Your sister is right...I knew that you were as much as a victim as i was, but hating you was what fueled me for 7 years, to be the person I am today." Nikolai said, "I might sound dramatic, but i'm honored to be one of the reasons why you made it to stardom, even if I was the villain in your storyline, I'm glad to see you shine." Jin replied.

"It is dramatic but as an actor, rest assure that I can top you when it comes to drama.

it wasn't all rainbow and cupcakes in my story... making it to the top wasn't a cakewalk because Unlike so many other stars, I wasn't born rich or came from an artistic background, or attended prestigious institutions.

Bur later on in life, after highschool to be specific, I got supported by two people that were both artistic and Rich...My success was a strike of luck at its best if you consider the circumstances.

And despite that I spoke vaguely about my past before highschool, to the public and the media...the public especially my fans, they found inspiration out of me and my story afterwards as a nobody becoming a somebody.

I made a huge success in these few years, a success that many dream of! *Sighing* but I never feel like I deserve it.

I didn't feel that much happiness from my own achievements like a normal person would...in fact if anything! my success made me feel more cornered.

I forgot who I was, and I couldn't distinguish myself from the actor anymore." Nikolai said, "isn't common to feel like this between artists? My sister therapist said that success and depression walk on the same path." Jin replied.

"Yeah, my therapist said something like that too...it's all a part of being on top, part of the glory of a Superstar." Nikolai said.

Jin was taken back by his sudden Honesty but it warmed his heart to see Nikolai Opening up to him, " You have no obligation to confide in me, so thank you for telling me what's troubling you, it means Alot." Jin replied smiling.

"Damn...communication is key for real." Nikolai said, "I still do hate you though." He added.

"I can see why you hate me.

Honestly I hate myself too, I should have told you myself about the bet before Moses did, even if your reaction could've been the same." Jin replied.

"I still wish you told me yourself Jin...maybe I would've considered that your feelings were honest towards me at that time."

"Unless we find a time machine Niko...I think that all I can do is look back on the past, and avoid doing what I did wrong again."

"You better be careful this time, I can't risk to be tricked by you again." Nikolai said, "You still haven't explained what kind of chance you want to give me yet." Jin inquiried.

Humming his nod, "Hmm~ you're right! I should explain this very well, so a misunderstanding wouldn't happen." Nikolai foxily replied, before he jumped on Jin.

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