Can we Also be friends?

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"HA-YOON!" Both Cyrus and Seong-min bursted into the woman's room screaming.

"THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THE TWO OF YOU! I'M NAKED! I SLEEP THAT WAY! CYRUS YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT AT LEAST!" She screamed back covering her body with the bedsheets.

"So you sleep naked? big deal! I'm a straight woman and he's a gay man, why does this matter?" Seong-min said pointing at herself and Cyrus, but "I'm bisexual, Min." Cyrus replied.

"Oh, okay! leave then!" Seong-min said pushing him out of the room, "Now Hold on a...!" but before he could finish his words, Cyrus found himself outside with the door slammed shut on his face.

"Ugh, women." Cyrus said annoyed and walked away from the room.

On the other side of the door, "What the hell brought him and you, into my room?!" Ha-yoon asked.

"You're not gonna believe this, but I got lucky! It's like a genie was besides me last night making my wishes come true!" Seong-min replied with outmost happiness.

"You're shining girl? whatever happened better be good enough to excuse your behavior." Ha-yoon said, "Yeah, take a look!" Seong-min replied showing her the web article on her phone.

This website is known for writing about music and cinema celebrities news, or more like Their bad type of news.

Squinting her eyes at the bright screen, "Huh? 'Fame-licious News'?! This phony Ass website? these people don't do anything good beside spreading false rumors, I mean like 9 out of 10 of their news is fake." Ha-yoon said skeptically.

This so called 'Fame-licious News' website, was always one to cause trouble and scandals to any artist mentioned in its articles.

And ever since the death threats, this website was obsessively following Everything about Nikolai, and they not long ago launched a rumor that Nikolai had a secret boyfriend, which was false at the time but people wholeheartedly believed it, and some speculated it was Andrea, his manager.

"Girl just read the Freaking title!" Seong-min said, she handed Ha-yoon her phone "Here, scroll and read it." she added.

Doing as told, Ha-yoon was taking by surprise "Holy crap, That's a Lotta words! Eh? WHAT?! the title says secret boyfriend revealed?!

And the picture, it's your brother with Nikolai hugging and smiling!" she said in shock.

"I don't know what happened! but I think they got back together somehow! maybe they made an arrangement or something, but all I care about is that they are together right now!" Seong-min said excited.

"Min-Min, maybe the paparazzi saw them together and thought they were dating?"

"I don't think so Noona, this article happened after a paparazzi snuck into the filming sight when he saw Nikolai and Jin coming together, and when he asked Nikolai who Jin was, Nikolai casually responded using the magic word! 'Boyfriend'...can you believe that?!

Scroll to the bottom, there's even a short video about it! and the entire article, Jin wasn't at all referred to as A bodyguard, not even once!"

"Seriously, this summer couldn't get any weirder! I have a feeling this is fake, I don't think they got back together because you know...they fell in love again, I don't think that's the case." Ha-yoon voiced her thoughts.

"As if I care! in the eyes of the public they are together, and that is step one already to this becoming real.

Most people in fake relationships end up truly together there's a chance!

Besides, Jin still loves Nikolai and I'm sure that once Nikolai gets over his trust issues, his heart will warm-up towards Jin againn" Seong-min replied in a hopeful tone.

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