But then again who am I to judge?

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"And we're done here...for the records Kiddo, I've known you since you and your mother came here to town." Joel said, "Jin, you might've been a bully, a shitty boyfriend...but sure as hell, you're not a murderer.

If this whole thing did turn to be an attempted murder, I don't believe you did it.

I mean C'MON! you can tell by the enormous lack of evidence, that no one would've thought this was a crime!" Joel added.

"Joel, crime or not, i feel responsible...I was supposed to protect him." Jin replied drawing a deep breath to calm his rattling nerves.

"I'm Sorry for the little charade back There...listen, I'll let you in on a secret! Radka was the one who ordered this." Joel confessed, "Why would the police listen to Madame Dubinsky's orders?" Jin asked.

"Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't tell a stranger, but because you are dating Niko, and you and I know each other well enough.

Your future mother in law? let's just say, she is a bigger fish than you expected her to be, so I suggest you kiss her ass nicely." Joel answered.

"Am I dating a Mob lady's son by any chance?" Jin asked, "I can't answer to that! But brace yourself buddy, you're in for a bumpy ride." Joel replied chucking.

"That's not reassuring." Jin said, "Anyways...I understand you were out of town since your mother's death, right?" Joel asked.

"I came back here less than few months ago, sometimes after Nikolai came here to film." Jin replied.

"Soon after his return, those death threats came to light... it's funny how you came back in town shortly after your ex." Joel pointed out, "if you're implying I followed him back, then yes...when I heard about the threats, I Approached Mister Andreoli for the job...he liked my resume and asked me to come meet Nikolai." Jin replied.

"So when did you guys start dating Again?" Joel asked, "honestly? As recent as the job, Nikolai asked me out again after the sniper incident." Jin replied.

"I had a feeling you two would find your way back to each other, Julian used to be your biggest secret fan." Joel said while the two headed outside.

"Well boys, did you have a nice chitchat?" Radka greeted Jin and Joel outside the station.

"I was told you were waiting outside for Jin, Rad.

I almost didn't believe it! you really did come for the boy yourself!" Joel said amused.

"A good boss looks after for their employees." Radka replied winking.

"Employee?" Jin asked, "My husband and I are setting up security measures considering my son's situation, we called in for a team of professional bodyguards to guard Nikolai Until he wakes up." she added.

"I don't understand, it was Andrea who hired me, but if I am understanding you, you want me to be part of that team." Jin pointed out.

"You no longer work for Andrea, I have terminated your contract with him as of this moment, you'll be joining the bodyguards I picked...you work for me from now on.

is that clear young man?" Radka said and Jin Nodded with his head.

Smiling, she ushered for Jin to get into her car, which Jin did without questioning.

"What a turn of events!" Joel said amused, "You're having fun Jo?" Radka asked, "I am." He replied smiling at her.

Joel then pulled Radka aside, leaving enough distance for Jin not to hear their conversation.

"I interrogated the boy like you asked, he's squeaky clean, like we thought.

I know Jin looks like a gangster now, but I can assure you he nothing but a gentle giant, and I really think he cares about Nikolai." Joel said,. " I'd be ringing wedding bells if I were you." He added.

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