It was Sus if you ask me dude!

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Somewhere dark and secretive, two people where having a conversations that they wanted nobody to hear.

"Sweetheart, I've said it and I'll say it again! I Am NOT willing to lose this newfounded friendship with The Madame, I need her assistance and she demanded an evidence that exposes what really happened to her son!"

"I should've never told you about this...ugh!

Listen, here's The problem! i don't want blood on my hands, if things went South...I don't want this to come back at me."

"You mean another person's blood on your hands? sweetheart, I've been covering for you for years now!

How long has it been? 7 years!... I said that if I help you get away with it, you will be my nice little pet and do what I say!

And what did you? you let Cyrus out of your SIGHT! why would he leave your house, he didn't need to pay rent?!"

"I never took a dollar from him, but He wanted all of the sudden to move out of my house! it gotta be something with his dad, and her...that girl from two years ago came back...I can't force either of them to do what I want, both are stubborn as fuck."

" should've never saved her ass back then."

"And let her die?! she was Jin's sister for fuck's sake! and I happen to be at the right place at the right time! you know that sicko criminal wasn't going to let her live."

"Damn you and your friendship with Jin, if he ever knows the truth, I bet Saving his sister's ass won't be much to save YOUR ass."

"Don't lecture me as if you're innocent, you're as shitty as I am when you helped me out, ordered me to manipulate people for you."

"but I'm a kind man sweetheart, would a shitty man be offering you help? I didn't ask much from you, and now I'm offering you a one lifetime chance in exchange of something real simple.

this will be the last favor I ask, you give me that evidence and you'll never hear me talk about Lily again."

"is this a joke? you said it many times before that this is the last."

"No I'm serious This time, I swear on anything you want me to, I mean it this time."

"Tell me about Radka, What is it that you are gaining from her Anyways?! you're a corrupted officer now or something? looking for a promotion since you've been getting none these years?"

"Cut the sarcasm, The less questions you ask sweetheart, the easier this will be.

I told you to give me Evidence, something solid, you came to me and said that Seong-min might have seeing Salvatore try to take away an evidence, proving that Nikolai was pushed by him from someone.

Find it, Bring me evidence, after that I'll make sure right in front of you, that I'll destroy anything there's against you in Lily's case."

"Jin, Nikolai, of them will eventually catch up with me...I bet my money on her, today's charade we acted you and I, won't be enough to stop her."

"You got the girl in, you make sure she's out.

You know I'm risking my position and freedom as well sweetheart, I hid the evidence that would incriminate you years ago! and the police were ashamed to admit they lost evidence, they made a false statement that they couldn't find a suspect.

you should be thanking me that Jin is blissfully unaware of what you did.

I didn't even ask for any sexual favors like a lot of sick guys do out there, I could have asked for it but I choose to ask for something else."

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