Awe! you really like him don't you?

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"Was my acting convincing Honey? I was barely pretending, I was seriously angry that something would happen to Nikolai, in Andrea's house nonetheless?!

But out of curiosity, why did you ask me to act as if I'm still Angry at Jin instead of letting me scold Andrea?"

"First of all Rushil dear, you were fantastic! the Parmar acting skills are legendary after all.

Second, the role of the evil parent is your role."

Scoffing, "I'm the evil parent? Radka We've been married for so many years, if there's one thing I was sure of, is that you value your family more than your own life, yet our son is hospitalized and you're barely showing any signs of distress so far.

You're a far better actress than me, honey." Rushil said.

"I'm really distressed, but I'm also suspicious of something, especially Andrea.

My gut feeling is telling me this was no accident and even though Nikolai made it alive, investigating what happened is my main focus... I'll get to the bottom of this even if I have to make a deal with the Devil." Radka replied.

"You're not planning revenge if you found Something incriminating, are you?

*grunting* Rad... for many years we managed to keep this part of our lives a secret especially from Nikolai, I think a revenge would be too much if that's what you're heading for...with media, police and the public fixated on our son, someone will come across who we are."

"Rushil dear, no one touches a hair from any member of my family, and think they can get away with it... I'm making that person pay.

And honestly, I think Nikolai already knows something, there's no way we were that perfect at covering our tracks...we should've never settled here when Nikolai started highschool."

"We've been moving from a place to a place to avoid problems..."grunting* Do you really think Niko knows something? what if that's the reason for the death threats?!" Rushil asked.

"I think Niko found something out in Highschool, before his suicide attempt.

I caught him once digging in my study room...he said he was looking for an empty notebook to use, but the look on his face said that he saw something he wasn't supposed to.

And some days after that suicide attempt happened, when i talked with Niko at the hospital once he woke up...

I said that I was going to make those bullies including Jin pay the price for what they did to him, but Nikolai suddenly begged me to leave them alone...he cried like his life depended on it, especially for Jin. " Radka replied.

"That's why you didn't do or let me do anything.

That explains why Nikolai moved out of the house to live with his mentor afterwards, and why you accepted with no argument when he bought us a new house after his success."  Rushil said.

"Although when Nikolai moved out, i cleaned our previous house from head to toe, it wasn't enough to get him back... if he does know, then we have ruined his gathered memories in that house, obviously.

I'm just glad he still sees us as his family." Radka replied sighing.

"Radka, why didn't you tell me all those years about that incident? you kept worrying by yourself!" Rushil asked.

"I wasn't sure what he knows exactly, I mean he never said anything directly about the subject...and at least one of us had to act normal like usual around him.

Besides, Niko didn't cut us off, he wasn't that scared, although that all could've been play pretend... he's an actor after all." Radka replied.

Sighing "I won't forgive myself if this is the reason why our son's life has a Target mark on it." Rushil said.

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