I thought it was a coincidence at first.

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Cyrus: I haven't heard from Lydia in years, and all of the sudden she's sending me these weird messages.

Ha-yoon: so you think this Lydia girl has something to do with Seong-Min's kidnapping?

Cyrus: I guess so, her messages say much.

she must've seen something important that she wanted to talk to me... maybe Lydia believes that Flint is still in town like I do.

Ha-yoon: but the police said they found a clue that points Flint skipped town with Seong-min?

Cyrus: based on what? some motel staff gossip? tch, Flint set them up obviously! he's hiding in plain sight but where exactly is what I Need to find out.

And that's why, I'm at Lydia's apartment complex right now, going to meet her with a Pizza in my arms as a peace offering.

Ha-yoon: just so you know I really appreciate you sharing these info with me, for some reason Jin didn't want me to continue helping him today...I bet it was Radka's orders.

Cyrus: that gangster woman seems to hate you for a reason, what's her deal?

Ha-yoon: whatever is the reason Radka hates me for, I don't know what it is... I've met her before but never spoke to her directly before Nikolai's hospitalization...we're strangers at best.

Cyrus: when Julian died you came into my life unannounced, I didn't even ask for your help but you still helped me anyways Ha-yoon...you never explained why.

why did you become the only person in the world I can be myself with.

Ha-yoon: why are you suddenly talking about this?

You know, you give me more credit than I deserve Cyrus...

Cyrus: I already have an idea about what your secret could be.

Ha-yoon: what secret?

Cyrus: the secret that's keeping you bound to this hellhole town...I wanna hear it from you.

take that weight off your shoulders, I won't judge you even if it's murder, and I promise you that I'll never tell anyone, I'll take your secret with me to the grave.

Ha-yoon: I appreciate the sweet somewhat disturbing words of encouragement, but talk to me about Lydia.

you said she's not answering her phone when you try to call her.

Cyrus: *sighing* no, she sent only few messages and stopped contact.

And when I was at the hospital with my dad, she sent a message asking me to go to her apartment...i didn't consider going at first, but then right after she sent her last message asking me to bring a pizza when I do decide to go to her house.

I thought Maybe she wants to reconnect with me.

Anyways I'm planning to hear what she has to say.

Ha-yoon: hold on, reconnect? you guys where close friends?

Cyrus: close...not really, but we were good friends.

Lydia was awkward back in highschool, she was always alone and gloomy and I couldn't blame her, she lost her family and will to live gradually during that time.

I was alone myself especially without my boyfriend, so when I wasn't hanging around with Julian or he was being all bestie with Nikolai, I would sit with Lydia in the library.

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