You Mafia guys are real sloppy!

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"The name is Kim Ha-yoon, so? what's your name?"

"I should tell you that much, since I got caught red handed...I'm Salvatore Amato, feel free to call me whatever you like."

"Andrea's new errands boy...You're pretty stealthy for a man your built, Sal."

"You're pretty careful for a music producer, Miss seem to be friends with Jin."

"I am, an old friend." Ha-yoon replied.

Taking the chance that they were outside the hospital, Ha-yoon pulled a cigarette out for herself, "You smoke? Want one?" she asked shaking the pack at Salvatore.

Noticing that it was her last cigarette, "I do smoke, but I don't bum for cigarettes, especially not somebody's last one...I have my own pack here thank you." Salvatore declined pulling his own pack from his pocket, he then took a cigarette out for himself and quickly lit it up.

Grunting as she couldn't light her own cigarette, "Ah shit, my lighter isn't working! Do me a favor man." Ha-yoon said asking, "Allow me then." Salvatore replied helping her out.

"Thanks, that's very gentlemen like of you." Ha-yoon replied smiling before she inhaled some air, "So...Why am I being followed Again?" she asked puffing some smoke out.

"Would you believe it, if I said I have no idea? I was ordered obviously." Salvatore replied.

"No you're a loyal dog who does whatever pretty rich boy Andrea says without questions? what a sad life you're leading." Ha-yoon replied.

Blowing smoke, "I have a feeling you and I are not so seem to be leading a similar 'sad life' like I do, that girl what was her name again?

Ah! Seong-min, she's like a boss to you too, isn't she?" Salvatore said chuckling lightly.

"So you're not a total doorknob after all." Ha-yoon replied chuckling as well as she exhaled, puffing more smoke into the Air.

"Before Boss cut you off earlier, what were you about to say?" Salvatore asked, "Hmmm, I was gonna say that I can tell, you don't give a shit if Nikolai makes it Alive...that I bet it was you who pushed him downstairs." Ha-yoon replied.

"Me?...and what makes you so sure Nikolai was pushed in the first place? he just fell downstairs, on his own after being shocked by my boss's...rather strange behavior." Salvatore said slightly smirking, "it was just a gut feeling I had, Scar face." Ha-yoon replied casually.

Blowing smoke "Is suspecting me also just a gut feeling?" Salvatore asked.

"Yeah it was, Anyways...i just confirmed it, it was really you.

I can tell you despise Nikolai, it's possible you're behind the death threats too...I'm talking about the sniper incident." Ha-yoon replied giving him a side glance.

"True crime fans are really something! do you honestly think I'd go as far as endangering my own boss to get rid of Nikolai?" Salvatore said before he erupted in laughter, he laughed so loud And maniacally, it grabbed the attention of many passerbys.

"Quiet down! You're laughing like a psycho." Ha-yoon commented.

"Ahahaha! oh my...I can't help it! I haven't laughed like this in years! in fact, I didn't laugh at all until this." Salvatore said wiping a tear from his eye.

"Laugh all you want, I wonder if Andrea will find it funny too." Ha-yoon said.

"listen Lady, what was the thing that people say around here? Ah right! you're barking up the wrong tree! I have nothing to do with this, and I'm not so sloppy.

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