The last thing the two expected.

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"You actually thought I'm happy for you two?"

"You seemed happy!... I-i don't understand how could all of this be an act did you plan this all along?!"

"Break up with him...And I'll let go of this matter forever."

"Margaret this is blackmail! why are you doing this?! don't you understand...You know I love him!"

"You're a disgusting murderer Rudy! that's what I need to understand, how come my Dad ended-up with a person like you!"

"I'm not a murderer! let me explain!"

"What to explain other than Someone is dead seven years ago because of you! You waste of space!

I have no issues with my dad dating a man, or someone Younger than him, but a person like you?! A bully?!

My Best friend died because of bullying, She killed herself! she got pushed to a corner by people like you!

And I had to deal with it all, I know what it's like to be on the painful side of the math...the one left behind to mourn."

"I'm sorry for your loss Margaret, but that was 7 years ago! you gotta understand that people change and you can't tie this with that!

I mean, your dad and I really love each other, I can't imagine life without him anymore! so please for him...Let me be!

I swear that I am a changed man! I haven't done anything Bad for 7 fact I-I wasn't even the mastermind back then, I did what I was told because I was terrified of Moses! I was bullied as well!"

"So you're just a coward who drove an innocent person to die, because you were afraid of getting the same treatment yourself? huh! Like I care!

break up with my dad and I won't tell a soul about your past, dad won't have to know either...I bet he'll break with you himself if he Knew.

I'm giving you a chance to be the one ending things, You can make up an excuse right? just like how you did, when police questioned you after Julian Baker died."

"Just how do you know all of this?! We literally met in person today Margaret...I don't understand, did you Know about our relationship from the start?! were you the one stalking me lately?!"

"What  if it's me? Are you going to press charges? I don't think so." Margaret said confidently.

Rudy's whole body was shaking, just minutes ago they were all having dinner with Blake, in a nice restaurant and seemingly enjoying each other's company.

And when Blake finally told His daughter that Rudy was his boyfriend, Margaret Smiled and congratulated them both with enthusiasm.

So why was she now threatening to expose Rudy's past to her blissfully unaware father?

"Alright... I'll break up with him." Rudy said fighting his tears, "but I need you to give your dad and i some I can do it."

"Fine, I'll wait here for few minutes and text my dad that I went to the hurry up and get over with it." Margaret replied coldly.

The two where actually outside the restaurant, because Margaret told Rudy earlier that she wanted to talk to him privately for a minute, despite her father's protest.

Rudy made his way back into the restaurant and to their table, while unaware that Seong-min and Cyrus were in another table in the same place, eavesdropping through a listening device that Margaret has put for them there earlier.

...Few hours ago...

"I mean is there any reason that could possibly make your daughter hate Rudy?" Seong-min asked curiously, "Not really, *Chuckling* well... unless he's a bully or something." Blake replied jokingly.

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