I just hope Julian forgives me.

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"Dad...You f-fought with her, didn't you?" Nikolai's asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"If you saw what she did to that poor girl... you'd also be mad.

I'm not against her harming outsiders, but that was her girl! and there was no evidence that Lydia actually wanted to harm Seong-min...for all I know, Lydia may have done what she did for a whole different reason." Rushil replied petting the sleeping cat in his arms.

"Lydia Brooks, the odd ball wherever she goes." Minnie spoke up, "Weird girl but usually harmless, unless you're the target of her contract." She added.

"Lydia kills?" Nikolai asked, "She's a sniper but it's not always her objective to kill, sometimes the Madame uses her to scare off people...when it comes to her aim, Lydia is the best I've seen in the sniper girls, I heard that if her barrel is pointed at someone, that someone is getting shot.

to not exaggerate, targets might unlikely survive death, but they still get shot so technically, she doesn't miss.

And personally speaking, most of the girls began with no to little training, including myself.

Lydia however, she was a pro before joining the girls, She's a tough cookie, not even milk softens her.

I almost didn't believe it when her and I got assigned a job together once...that was not the highschool reunion I anticipated." Minnie said casually.

"You were Lydia's classmate?" Rushil asked, "You don't know that?" Minnie questioned, "Not sure, My memory is weak...what do you know about Lydia, personally?" Rushil asked Again.

Thinking hard, "hmmm, she seemed like one of those yandere girls, back in highschool...I remember once I saw her obsessively write 'L.B+C.M=Love' on a paper sheet... highschool chicks be like that sometimes." Minnie said.

"Yandere?" Rushil questioned, "Apparently it means s-someone who's lovesick, it's a popular term in anime culture." Nikolai explained, "the name 'C.M' could very well be the name of Lydia's love interest."  He added.

Realizing it, "Cyrus Melaina, that's why they're connected! or why she contacted him specifically." Rushil said.

"Her and Cyrus are connected?" Nikolai asked, "Jin suspected early on that Cyrus knew something about the kidnapping that we didn't know.

According to Ha-yoon, Cyrus told her that Lydia asked him to go to her apartment.

it makes sense now why she picked him, When I first interviewed Lydia years ago, she spoke about a certain person without mentioning Their name or addressing their gender...she marked her brief friendship with that person, as the very first time she ever felt appreciated.

Also, She mentioned that that person is her first and last love as well, and the reason why she's single... because she can't find someone to replace them." Rushil said.

"And you think that's Cyrus?" Minnie asked.

"I told you this cat I'm holding right now belongs to Lydia, what I didn't tell you is that it's named after Cyrus." Rushil explained.

"Lydia and Cyrus were short-term friends, Lydia then f-fell in love with Cyrus and held on to that, named her cat after him and years later...she decided to c-contact him when Seong-Min got kidnapped by Flint." Nikolai deduced, "But something doesn't add up?" he added.

"What doesn't add up?" Rushil asked.

"I get it, Jin told me about Cyrus's transition, it happened after high school so it means it happened a while after Lydia and Cyrus's friendship ended yet, Lydia knew exactly who he became, that he became 'Cyrus' and she named her cat after that New name." Minnie explained.

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