I'm willing to go that far.

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"So you were forced to be a bully...is that what you're trying to tell me?"

"Moses was an idiot...he was so lonely and desperate for attention, power, and to have an Entourage that shakes whenever he walks into the room.

He was a piece of shit, But I thought he was my friend! I did everything he told me to do, I was desperate, scared and as idiotic as I can be.

And no matter how much I want to blame Moses for everything, I wasn't a good person either.

people will remember that I did everything he asked me with a smile, because I was afraid that people were realizing I'm scared and they would come for me.

Since they can't take down Moses nor Flint, both of them rarely showed any emotions or fear, but I was a wreck! and I was afraid that those who can't bite Moses will come bite me.

So I tried to be tough, and stayed by his side thinking that if I belonged into the powerful side of the equation, I'll be alright." Rudy explained.

"Jesus fucking Christ I don't know what to make of this... I know you told me to just stay quiet, but Rudy do you have any idea what you're just telling me?!" Blake said in disbelief.

"Now you know why Margaret wants us to break up.

And like I said she's right,  I tried to run away from my past, and I thought it was just some silly high School nightmare that I managed to escape.

After attending Julian's funeral, I cut ties with Moses and Flint, and I tried to straighten my act.

I did whatever I could to be the new Rudy Bay, the one who actually helps people instead of sending them to the morgue."

"I don't know how Margaret dug up your past... but you could have lied and broke up with me using any excuse! why are you telling me the truth?! I can tell you're not lying Rudy."

"Cuz I seriously love you...I fucking love you, and I actually was planning to propose to you this week.

But I guess your daughter will never accept us, and I just don't want you to be on bad terms with her, so don't blame Margaret or yourself okay?...And she's right you shouldn't end up with someone like me."

"Hold on a minute! you're not seriously breaking up with me...Are you?!"

"I am, this is the end of you and me Blake... and it's because I've decided.

I know I'm being selfish this way, but I fucked up bad, so I can't stick around, the only way I've ever known how to deal with my own problems, was to run away.

I see no other solution here, you shouldn't be with someone like me, your daughter doesn't have to deal with someone like me, so let's just consider this a passing fling, so both of us can move on, at least you can move on." Rudy said doing his best put a smile on.

"Rudy did you by any chance consider my opinion about this?! what if I don't want to break up with you." Blake said taking him by surprise.

"I just told you my actions pushed somebody to suicide!"

"I heard you and I believe every word you said, but I can tell you weren't The Mastermind... I've always knew something was wrong because whenever I asked you about your past, what kind of person you were, you always kept that part hidden from me.

you showed me nothing but the sweet side of you, I was the one always complaining about my job, the one always having bad days, and the one who's tired, when you just kept smiling cheerfully to my face.

I don't think you're lying about being a bully, but I know you're also not lying about straightening your act, I know you're a good person now Rudy!...And despite it may not be my business, nor it would wipe all of your sins, I forgive you for not telling me before." Blake said.

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