Is this why you suddenly cut me off?

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"I can't believe it's been already two weeks since you've became my bodyguard."

"Me neither...Time sure flies."

"Ugh, what time? it's just two weeks Jin."

"Longest and Craziest Two weeks of my life, Niko."

"As if I can describe it with anything else myself." Nikolai said scoffing while staring at Jin as he prepared them breakfast.

"Since it's Sunday...Where do you want to go Niko?" Jin asked casually while flipping the pancakes, "I had previous plans to hang out with Kimberly today, but she cancelled yesterday... again.

*Sigh* she said she's not going anywhere for a while." Nikolai said.

"Director Cliff voiced his concerns to me as well, he said he thinks that she is withdrawing from her role...if that happens, the whole project might be postponed." Jin replied.

"Director Cliff might have to find another actress to take her place, and unless Kimberly speaks up about her problems...I don't think there's much to do." Nikolai replied.

"I heard many offered you work this year, why did you choose to work on this one, with Cliff and Kelly?" Jin asked.

"I was hoping for a healthy work environment, for once." Nikolai replied sighing.

"I see." Jin said walking to him, he placed half of the hot pancakes in Nikolai's plate and the other half in his.

"Why the sudden curiosity Jin?"

"I thought you two were close, Niko."

"You mean me and Kim? Yeah...but that doesn't mean I know everything about her, everyone has stuff they can't talk about...I can't talk about Julian." Nikolai replied a little annoyed.

"Sorry, didn't mean to bother you." Jin said as he said, "You didn't mean it, but still did it anyways...*sigh* Just eat Jin, since I don't have plans, I'll go see Andrea in the hospital today." Nikolai replied.

...Few minutes later...



"Andrea sent me a text!" Nikolai said, "he did? he hasn't contacted you since the last time you visited him, it's strange." Jin asked.

"Salvatore wouldn't respond to me either since then, but that's not important! Andrea just asked me to go to his house if I want to see him, he said he's already there!" Nikolai said enthusiastically.

"Already? you want to go there, am I right?" Jin said.

"Yeah obviously!" Nikolai replied smiling, "this is the first time we see him since the day he woke up...How are we going to explain your little plan to him?...I bet it's the reason why he's ignoring you." Jin asked.

The smile on Nikolai's face faded a bit, "I know he's angry, Andrea usually cut me off for a while when he's mad at me." he said.

"I see...but don't let that steer you away from your goal, even if Mister Andreoli is against the idea, it's still your call to cancel our arrangement, and I'll follow whatever you say." Jin replied.

...Some Time later...

"Hey, Sal." Nikolai nervously greeted the man blocking Andrea's bedroom closed door from the outside, "Where's your bodyguard?" Salvatore asked, "Ah, Jin he's downstairs, One of the men asked him to wait need him?" Nikolai replied.

"Not really, congratulations on getting suit each other very well." Salvatore said in a manner that confused Nikolai, it made him think whether Salvatore was being sincere or sarcastic.

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