Chapter 3. Winning a Battle, Losing the War

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Season 1 Episode 3

Winning a Battle, Losing the War

In the morning Tori and Nate woke up early together getting ready to go on a run before work.

"I'll show you my favourite track that I found" Tori said to her new boyfriend of 1 month with excitement.

"Sure maybe tomorrow I'll show you my favourite" Nathaniel Kingsley said with a wide smile. He didn't realise how happy he's became with being in a relationship with Victoria.

"I'd love that" Tori tells him.

Off they went running early in the morning.

As they came back they showered then got ready for work.

Victoria and Nate got to work then they followed after Christina and Meredith behind Bailey and the other interns, "Fools on bikes, natural selection is what it is." Bailey says.

"So what's up with the Nazi? Is she off her meds?" Alex yawns as he asks George.

"You've never heard of the race?" George questions Alex

Whilst George explained to Alex, Nate was explaining it to Victoria about the race.

"Excellent board, well-timed, balanced, efficient. lf all goes well, we'll have an early night." Richard says looking at the OR board.

"Chief, Dead Baby Bike Race started 20 minutes ago." Bailey  tells the chief walking past him, Derek, and Burke are standing by the OR board.

"All right, people! Dead Baby Bike Race day!" Chief Webber says to everyone.

"Every year, this bar-" George says.

"The Dead Baby bar." Meredith adds in.

"Every year, they hold this underground bike race." George explains.

"You wonder why someone would name a bar something so disgusting?" Izzie asks as they grab gowns to put over their scrubs.

"Keep your panties on, Nancy Drew." Christina tells Izzie.

"The race is completely illegal and-" George carries on talking.

"Manic " Tori says interrupting George "Bike messengers racing against traffic, trying to beat each other for free shots of tequila."

"No-holds-barred competition, sounds like fun. Alex says.

"The race doesn't even have any rules, except eye-gouging. No eye-gouging." George says carrying on about the race.

"We'll be trapped in the pit Band-Aiding idiots when we could be up in the OR." Christina says.

"What kind of people engage in a race that has, as its only rule, that you can't rip out the eyeballs of another human being?" George says wondering.

"Men, Georgie. Men." Alex answers George's question.

"l need someone to get up to the OR floor. The chief needs a right hand" Bailey tells her interns then everyone raised their hands making her sigh out "George. Ok, people. The rules of trauma. Don't mingle with the ER interns. They don't know their ass from esophagus. Sew fast, discharge faster. Get bodies up to the OR. And don't let me catch you fighting over patients. Got it? Come on, let's go." she says opening the door to ER as they watch multiple gourneys being moved around the room.

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