Chapter 19. Much Too Much

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Season 2 Episode 10

Much Too Much

"You ready to meet my best friend who is probably my best friend since he was born a year after me."

"Yeah can't wait  you go out with him loads doing Basketball and all sorts  can't wait babes." Tori says smiling at her boyfriend.

"Great and by the way you look beautiful my love." He says kissing Tori.

"Here we are let's go in." Nate says as he holds her hand then opens the restaurant's door.

"Good evening do you have a reservation?" The lady says at the desk.

"Yes we're here name Dr. Shepherd at 7:30 PM." Victoria says booking the restaurant to make sure people don't expect money because of the names Kingsley or Avery.

"Right this way" the lady says picking up three menus then taking the couple to the table where a man in a nice suit is already there.

Just as the couple got to the table Jackson Avery stands up hugging Nate whilst Tori says. " thank you so much." To the lady who took them to the table.

"Jackson, please meet my lovely girlfriend Dr. Victoria Shepherd and babe, please meet my best friend Dr. Jackson Avery" Nathaniel says.

"It's so lovely to  finally meet you Victoria." Jackson says.

"And you, Jackson please call me Tori everybody does. " Tori says.

"Will do." Jackson says.

"Let's take our seats then have you had a look at the wine." Victoria asks kindly.

"Yes I did actually I was thinking a red wine since we're at a steak house but if you don't." Jackson says.

"No no I agree how this one?" Tori says agreeing that moment made Bate smiling living that his girlfriend is chatting away with Jackson his best mate.

After a long dinner they chatted away about specialties, and more having fun.

" That steak was lovely you made a good choice on this restaurant I've never been here before." Jackson says as the three now friends walk out of the restaurant.

"Yeah babe that steak was nice good look." Nate says.

"It's lovely to meet you again hope to see you soon." Jackson says.

"You too great to meet you. See you soon."Tori agrees then the couple gets in a cab and Jackson Avery does the same in his own car.


As Tori and Victoria got out of the cab they hoped their house doors and got upstairs starting to instantly take clothes off to have some fun.

"Babe take... my your clothes off" Tori says and he starts just that and Tori does the same thing.

When the young couple finished stripping to nothing Nathaniel Kingsley picks his girlfriend up and took her into their private bathroom.

They turned the shower off and started being raunchy together having some fun since they don't always get the time being a surgeon who dies long hours and sometimes don't see each other.

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