Chapter 5. Shake Your Groove Thing

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Season 1 Episode 5

Shake Your Groove Thing

"I wish I could hold a human heart." George says as Victoria shepherd came in and sat between her boyfriend Nate and her boy bed friend George, to watch a heart surgery

"A monkey could hold a heart." Cristina says

"You're mad Burke didn't ask you." George says to Christina
whilst he takes another bite of his yogurt

"George, I need more ice and chips." Izzy says to him as she comes into the gallery and sits next to Nathaniel.

Meredith is allowing Izzie to throw a party at her house because her apartment is too small to host.

"Who else did you invite?" George asks Izzie.

"Izzy, we said the list was jocks, surgery, trauma, and plastics." Cristina tells Izzie.

"Who have you invited Izzie?" Tori asked her.

"Just some people from peds." Izzie says as she averts her eyes

"You invited the preschoolers to Meredith's house. Next thing, you'll say that you invited the shrinks." Cristina says which caused Izzie to turn her head away from the group.

"She invited mental defects. This party is D.O.A." Cristina says annoyed by Izzie's choices.

"Ya know, Meredith thinks this is gonna be a small, meet-your-boyfriend cocktail thing. Did you clear this with her?" George asks Izzie, whilst Tori and Nate were privately chatting.

"No, but I will." Izzie tells them as all the interns stared at her

"I promise." Izzie says

"Why are you wasting the only weekend your boyfriend is in town on a big party? Is he bad in bed?" Cristina asks

"No. I just want him to meet some of my friends." Izzie answered.

"Right. Sixty geeks in scrubs are your friends." Cristina says when her pager began to beep.

"Ugh! Bad sex— sucks for you." Cristina says as she walks towards the exit

"I heard there's a party tonight at Meredith's house." Alex says as he walked into the gallery over to the interns.

"Oh really a party?" Cristina says looking around as she pops her head into the conversation.

"Uh, news to me." Izzie tells Christina

"No party." George tells Alex whilst he carries on eating his yogurt.

"Were losing her or what?" Alex asks as he looked down into the OR what hung them seeing the patient flatlining before Dr. Burke shocks her heart three times giving the patient a rhythm.

"What ya doin?" Victoria asked as she looked over the nurses station where Cristina was sitting reading lots of files.

"A patient had a towel left inside her abdomen from her last surgery five years ago." Cristina says.

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