Chapter 31. The Name of the Game

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Season 2 Episode 22

The Name of the Game

"Thanks mom and dad. Chris is fine when ever you feel needs hgoing to sleep like us he'll stay down." Nathaniel tells his parents.

Nathaniel Kingsley don't you think we know how to bathe and payt one baby to sleep after you, Felicity, Yasmine and Annabelle?" Elizabeth Kingsley asks her son.

"Sorry mom forgot about that." Nate says to his mother.

"We don't have work until the early in the evening so t
We will have our first grandchild and have some fun well bring him to the hospital if we need to." Edward Kingsley says.

"That be great thank you Elizabeth." Tori says then she goes and gives her son the last kiss before they left for the night.


As Victoria and Nathaniel walk in to the pub they instantly see Derek. The couple go to go over but stop when they see Meredith knitting .

"Hey sis where's Christopher?" Derek asks his sister and her Fiancé.

"Christopher is at my parents they wanted to spend time with him and they said we could go out they'll drop him off at work tomorrow for us." Nate answered his future brother in laws question.

"That's cool let me get you guys a drink, V you want a wine and Nate a beer?" Derek asks the young couple who both nod their heads.

"Dude, is she knitting?" Joe asks Derek as they stand behind where Meredith is sitting at the bar table.

The games we each play all by ourselves. Meredith replies.

"You know, as a friend, I got to tell you, you look a little weird." Derek says to Meredith.

"I am making a sweater." Meredith replies back to him.

"You're knitting. In a bar. You can't knit in a bar. You're scaring the customers." Joe asks Meredith.

"Come on, have a drink." Tori says to her friend when she takes a seat next to her and Nate .

"Come on, have a drink." Derek says to Meredith.

"I can't have a drink. I'm celibate." Meredith replies back to Derek and Tori about having a drink.

"You mean sober? She means sober." Joe says.

"No. Celibate. I'm practicing celibacy, and drinking does not go well with celibacy, because it makes everything and everyone seem kind of porny. And then my head gets all cloudy and then the next thing you know, I'm naked. And my point is, I'm celibate, and knitting is good for surgical dexterity, so I'm making a sweater." Meredith explains the reason she's doing it.

"You, celibate? I just don't buy it." Derek says.

"Meredith you don't need to be like this just because you're life has changed don't change your life out." Nate tells Meredith kindly being nice to her after what he overheard Meredith said to all the other interns had said about his fiancé.

"No more men." Meredith says.

"No more men? Really? You?" Addison asked Meredith as she comes and sits next to Tori, Nate and Derek at the bar with Meredith "And I'm asking because we are friends."

"Every guy I meet turns out to be married." Meredith says.

"Ooh. Ouch." Derek says.

"Sorry. Or Mark." Meredith says apologising.

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