The Magical Weekend of The Wedding

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This weekend will be the most magical days of me and Nate's life just like the day mine and Nate's son was born.

"Morning you ready today for a fantastic fun drunken night to party our selfs of fun." Nate says as himself and Tori wakes up to music from a Seattle radio.

"Morning did you have a lovely sleep by dear?" Tori says after kissing her future husband to be in a few days.

"Yes I did I was dreaming about this gorgeous blonde women I met." Nate says.

"Stop dreaming about your mother babe it's worrying." Tori jokes to her fiancé.

"Haha you funny women I knew I was picking the right women; gorgeous, smart, funny and an amazing doctor and incredible mother." Nate says.

"Thank you." Tori says.

"Let's go have an amazing shower together like that time we did that gave us Christopher for fun before we separate for the day and night away from each other.

"We'll that's do it!!" Nathaniel Kingsley says


Later on the day

"Hey mum, dad." Nathaniel says when he sees his parents; Dr.Elizabeth And Edward Kingsley.

Victoria and Nathaniel were standing outside Nate's parents house.

"Hi sweethearts

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"Hi sweethearts." Elizabeth says going over to her son and future daughter.

"Hi how are you Elizabeth?" Tito asks her.

"Good you where's Christopher?" Elizabeth Kingsley asked kindly.

"Christopher is at his uncle's house with my brother Derek." Tori answers Elizabeth's question.

"Aw that's nice bless him I can't wait to see him at the wedding." Elizabeth says.

"Yeah he'll be so cute."

"Hey Eliza let's take them before we need to get to work dads gonna meet us there." Edward Kingsley tells his wife.

"Oh I'm let's go then." Elizabeth Kingsley says before starting to get to the car.


"Hello Nathaniel, Victoria good to see you both long time no see." Dr. William Kingsley says to his grandson and fiancé.

"Hey grandad good to see you too what's going on?" Mate asks Dr. William Kingsley.

"We'll I started this activity one day when your father married your mother and now I thought why don't we do it for you guys." Dr. William Kingsley says explaining.

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