Chapter 7. The Self-Destruct Button

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Season 1 Episode 7

A/N: I've had a good day been happy thought why not make you guys happy so I'm putting this story out earlier than usual it's along one hope you enjoy.

Lots of love from Lily xxx

The Self-Destruct Button

"Morning babe want to go on a run before work?" Nathaniel asked Victoria.

"Yes I'd like that let me get ready then we'll go" Tori told her boyfriend.

Victoria shepherd put on a purple exercise outfit.

I'm A/N: I do not own this picture but using it for my story.
Nathaniel Kingsley got dressed in all black exercise outfit:

A/N: I do not own this picture but using it for my story.

The young couple went on their run and came back home but stayed in their clothes to get to work quickly.


"Yikes, wouldn't want to meet you in a dark alley." Meredith says to Christina when she gets out her car seeing Cristina sitting on the ground by her motorbike.

"Right back at you." Christina says back to Meredith.

"A run? You run?" Izzie asks Alex seeing him come over to them.

"Every day, babe, every day." Alex says.

"Not suffering enough?" Meredith asked Alex.

"What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger." Alex tells them.

"Don't go acting all indefatigable. You're dragging like the rest of us." Christina tells him.

"Oh, what is that, professional weakness, Dr. Yang?" Alex asks her.

"lt's called the flu." Christina tells him.

"Yeah." Alex says but stops when he sees Tori and Nate driving in the parking lot.

Just then Nate and Tori park up and get out of Nate's car. Both dressed in exercise outfits.

"Tori, Nate" you guys dressed in exercise outfits being healthy is not helping are story stop being healthy you too." Izzie tells the couple pointing at them then Alex.

"Looking good Tori" Alex said to her.

"Don't talk to my girlfriend like that get your own if you can try young your brain not your mouth and eyes." Nate said to Alex which made all the girls laugh.


Interns are in the locker room)

"l need a major rush to make it through this day. l need a kick-ass surgery." George tells everyone after all interns got changed into their scrubs.

"Ooh, you a bad boy last night, George?" Alex asks George.

"That would be Meredith." Izzie says.

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