Chapter 39. Sometimes a Fantasy

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Season 3 Episode 3

Sometimes a Fantasy

Back from their honeymoon Mr and Mrs Kingsley go to their parents house to collect their son back.

"Victoria, Nathaniel how are you did you have a great time?" Elizabeth Kingsley asks her children.

"We did thank you mom it was incredible and very romantic as well how has Christopher been while we were away?" Nathaniel Kingsley asks his mother.

"He was great I took him to daycare where you work so he could play when collected him like you two said he's been doing a lot better with his walking. Your fathers with him in the garden playing with a ball." Elizabeth says.

As the three adults walked to the garden instantly Christopher ran into Victoria holding onto his mom.

" Mummy mummy!" Christopher shouts.

"Hello baby did you miss mummy and daddy?" Tori says to her son picking him up to tightly hug him.

After being in the Kingsley's home they finally left and went to move in to their new home.
New House (A/N: I do not own any of these pictures but I am using them in the book .)


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Tori and Nate's Bedroom

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Tori and Nate's Bedroom

Tori and Nate's Bedroom

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