Chapter 8. Save Me

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Season 1 Episode 8

Save Me

Tori is sitting next to George at Meredith's house eating one of Izzie's cupcakes.

Nate went to see a friend of his called Jackson for a game of basketball at the park.


"8 hours, 16 ounces of chocolate, and 32 cupcakes and they still don't taste right." Izzie says after rinsing the chocolatey bowl of batter.

"No, these are good. Martha Stewart would be proud." George says while chewing on a cupcake.

"Yeah, look where it got her. There's something missing-some specific ingredient. Why can't I remember?" Izzie says taking a bite out of a cupcake.

"Izzie these are really good I might take some home with me for me and Nate." Victoria says.

"Look, just call her. Call your mother and ask." George tells Izzie.

"I don't want to call my mother." Izzie says.

"Good morning." Derek says to everybody around the room.

"Hey V baby girl" Derek whispers giving his baby sister a hug when he sees Victoria at Meredith's house.

Nobody in her friend group knows about Derek's nickname for Victoria than their family since she is the baby if the family.

"Hey. you guys want a cupcake? Izzie made them." George them as Derek shakes his head while grabbing his stomach

"You know, I like it here. Hey, you said so yourself. You liked having your things around, sleeping in your own bed." Derek says.

"You're like a health nut, aren't you? You eat Muesli every morning." George says watching Derek get food out of the pantry and fridge.

"No, I don't." Derek says.

"Yes you are Derek see you forgetting when Mom was working as a nurse in the navy. I lived with you and you gave me things like porridge, muesli but when Mark came round and you gone mark gave me pancakes and I lived like a normal child." Victoria jokes.

"Fine maybe I am but it's better to be healthy V." Derek tells his sister.

"Ok, the Muesli thing-you do. The last 7 days at least." Izzie tells Derek.

"Oh, come on. I haven't been here for a whole week...have I?" Derek asks sitting down at the table as the others ignore his question.

"See? Even they think it's weird." Meredith says getting up and grabbing a bowl, coming to sit back in front of him as they smile at each other.

"Where's Nate today at work already?" Derek asks Victoria not seeing Nathaniel at Meredith's house.

"He's at a park playing basketball with an old friend someone called Jackson." Victoria explains.


"So, Devo, you just had a root canal, correct?" Alex asks Devo.

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