Chapter 38. I Am a Tree

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Season 3 Episode 2

Time Has Come Today

Dr. Victoria and Dr. Kingsley look at each other in their car outside of the hospital.

The two doctors look back to see their son Christopher Kingsley asleep.

"Isn't he beautiful." Tori says.

"Yes he is he reminds me a lot about myself when I was younger and one day when we have a daughter she will look gorgeous just like her smart mother." Nathaniel says.

"Your correct I agree. Should we go in for another day at work." Tori says and that's what they did.

As Tori and Nate got Christopher out of the car he woke up.

"Hey buddy you ok tired." Tori asks her son.

"Mommy!!!" Christopher shouted which made his parents laugh then gets stopped by friends.

"We'll look who it is hey Christopher" Christina Yang says. This doesn't surprise Tori or Nate how excited she was to see her friend's son even though Christina hates kids.

"Look Chris it's aunty Christina...

"YAY!!" Christopher shouts which makes the three interns laugh.

"See you in a few minutes." Tori says then goes to drop Christopher off to the Hospital day care.


After dropping Christopher off Tori over heard about Christina's story of the day.

Tori gets close to her two best friends, "Did you really strip for your boyfriend and then his parents walked in? Or is that just fake gossip going around?" Tori asks.

"You heard ?" Christina asked Tori.

"Everyone heard. Stripper." Meredith says.

"Tyler told me," She smiles, following Bailey.

" Oh you're one to talk. Sleeping with two men." Christina says to Meredith.

"Wrong. I'm not sleeping with either one of them. Not until I pick one. If I haven't made a decision by the end of the day, I'm flipping a coin. A girl can only hold out for so long." Meredith says.

"Oh and somehow I'm the dirty stripper." Christina says.

"Both of you are." Tori says then stops just as their resident shows up.

"Do you three have time to round or are you too busy getting naked on hospital property?" Dr. Bailey asked aiming at Christina.


They rounded on their first patient of the day as she's eating a cake, "Ms. Seabury, what-what are-no, I'm-I'm sorry. You cannot be eating." Dr. Bailey says to the patient.

Dr. Webber joins them, also looking at the cake, "What is all of this?" Richard says after seeing the patient.

"This is chocolate raspberry soufflé cake and it's the best thing I've ever tasted in my life. Except for maybe the banana cream torte there, it's pretty stunning really. Bakeries deliver, did you know that? Please grab a fork." Ms.Seabury says.

"looks lovely but Ms. Seabury you shouldn't be eating you're going to have a surgery." Tori says to the patient.

"Ms. Seabury, you're scheduled for surgery this afternoon."the chief says.

"We push the surgery a little? Tomorrow maybe? Oh my God, you've got to taste this!" Ms. Seabury says excitedly.

"Ma'am, you have an aggressive form of lung cancer. The sooner we get you into surgery, the better-" Bailey says but is stopped by the patient.

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