Chapter 9. Who's Zoomin Who?

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Season 1 Episode 9

Who's Zoomin Who?

"There's too much damage. We'll have to remove most of the colon instead of a local resection. Mmm" chief Webber says just as he stitched and it came apart and Richard tries again but fails making him clear his throat "You gotta push it up. More suture. And what's with these damn lights in here?" r
Richard asks as Meredith begins to adjust the lights "Retract here." He says.

"Oh! This just isn't holding." Dr. Bailey says.

"Give me a bigger retractor, please." Chief asked for as it falls on the floor.

"Sorry, doctor." A nurse tells him.

"lt wasn't you. Dr. Bailey, you can finish this." Dr. Webber says to Bailey when chief clears his throat.

"Uh, thank you, chief. l appreciate the opportunity. l'll just..." Dr. Bailey says as she continues with the surgery when Richard begins to walk out of the OR.


"Hey, syph-boy." Christina says when George and Alex sits down next to them.

"You told her?" George asks Izzie.

"Just Cristina." Izzie answers George's question whilst pointing to the woman

''Syph-boy.'' lt's got a nice ring to it, kind of like Superboy, only diseased." Alex jokes.

"Izzie didn't have to say a word. Here, the only thing that spreads faster than disease is gossip."

George: "That's not true. Just 'cause lzzie can't keep her mouth shut doesn't mean everyone knows."

"Mate even if everyone knows it will be old news by tomorrow." Nate tells George.

"Hey George. How are you feeling? Sorry about the syphilis." Meredith says sitting next to the group.

"Everyone in this hospital knows?" George asks.

"Knows you're a player." Alex says trying to comfort George in a way.

"You're disturbed." George tells Alex.

"True. Everybody's got a secret. Be glad yours is out in the open." Alex says.

"Oh, yeah, Alex? What's yours?" Christina asks him.

"You show me yours, and l'll show you mine. l bet you've got some seriously kinky skeletons in your closet." Alex says.

"What's in my closet is none of your business." Christina tells Alex being private.

"Well, l don't have any secrets. My life is boring." Izzie says.

"Everybody's got something to hide." Victoria says eating her apple looking up to see everybody looking at her making her feel uncomfortable. Tori will never let out her secret only family and her boyfriend know her secret.

"Hey Bate what about you or has Tori already controlled if." Alex jokes and everyone laughs.

"Ask me that when you can get a proper relationship and maybe I'll tell you." Nate tells his friend Alex. This made everybody laugh at the table.

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