Chapter 25. It's the End of the World

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Season 2 Episode 16

It's the End of the World

"Where is she?" Victoria asks in a maternal voice.

"Upstairs" George says and the two of them go upstairs together getting to Meredith bedroom where she is lying on her bed where Christina is crying to talk to her.

"You have a feeling? Christina asks whilst Tori goes and sits on the bed as she's feeling in a little pain.

"Yes." Meredith answers Christina's question.

"Okay, what kind of feeling?" Victoria asks her friend.

"Like I might die." Meredith says.

"Today. Tomorrow, in 50 years?
'Cause we're all gonna die eventually." Christina says.

"Now we're late. Let's go." Victoria tells Meredith sternly like a mother in her maternal voice.

"Tori, Christina, come on" Meredith says.

"Okay. This is us being supportive." Christina says.

"Really" Meredith asks looking at her two best friends.

"Yeah. Okay, fine. I'm totally supportive. Go.

"Okay, my best friend's brother I love has a wife, and then he chooses her over me, and that wife takes my dog.
Okay, she didn't take the dog. I gave it to her. Yeah But I didn't mean to give it to her, I meant to give it to him. But that does not change the fact that she's got my McDreamy and my Mcdog. She's got my Mclife. And what have I got?" Meredith says.

Both Tori and Christina look R each other not knowing what to do.

"Do you know I can't remember the last time we kissed? Cause you never think the last time is the last time. You think there'll be more. You think you have foreve but you don't.

Meredith goes back and lie down on her bed.

"Plus, my conditioner decided to stop working. and I think I have brittle bones. I just. I just need something to happen. I need a sign that things are gonna change. I need a reason to go on. I need some hope. And in the absence of hope, I need to stay in bed. and feel like I might die today.

Christina and Tori look at each other again then both get up then Christina takes the quilt off of Meredith and says, "Whatever.
Everybody has problems, Now get your ass out of bed and get to work. Now! Move! Move! Move!

"Chris I can't wIt to see what you'll be like to my son as an aunty." Victoria jokes.

"If you ever need me to deal with your son I will if you want to be sunshine smit suits you." Christina says.

"I haven't been in the OR in two days. I'm getting some OR time. Cristina says.

"That's probably because we haven't had a decent resident this week." Tori says.

"Mm, the last two weren't that bad." Izzie says.

"It doesn't matter which resident we get, they suck." Alex says. 

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