Chapter 16. Something to Talk About

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Season 2 Episode 7

Something to Talk About

"She didn't even know he was married. I mean, his wife just shows up and he dumps her. I heard she flipped out." An intern says.

"What does she expect? She got what she deserved. Dating an attending!" Another intern says.

"Dating Mc Dreamy. Have you seen his hair? No guy is that perfect. "A intern says.

" I think it's kinda sad. She has to work here. With him. With them. Everyone knows." Another interns says talking about Meredith.

As all the interns were getting ready for their day for work Meredith carries in listening to the annoying interns.

"Just ignore them don't listen to them Mere. Victoria tells her friend which Meredith nods her head without any words.

Nate, Victoria, George, Cristina and Izzie was waiting for their resident Dr. Bailey at a nurse's station for rounds.

George: Well we have to do something. Meredith's become like an exhibit. " George says then Cristina groans then looks at Izzie, Tori and Nate.

"Hey. Like a zoo animal, like that rare panda that everyone stares at." George adds.

"Please don't say that to her face. I think that panda died alone." Victoria tells them all, which made Cristina chuckle and Izzie nods her head agreeing.

"This just could just as easily be you, if people knew about you and (he mouths silently, Burke." George says and Nathaniel nods agreeing.

"You take that back." Christina says to him.

"No. I'm just saying we should do something to cheer her up. " George O'Malley says.

"Don't worry about it." Izzie says and Victoria nods with a big smile on her face.

"It's under control." Christina tells George but not telling him what.

"Wait, what do you guys have going on?" George and Nate ask at the same time.

"Nothing." The three doctors say at the same time.

"What?" George asks, as Meredith and Dr. Bailey walk over to the interns.

"Where's Karev?" Dr. Bailey asks her interns.

"Probably off somewhere, not kissing somebody." Izzie says

"Oh, for the love of god. Let it go, Izzie." I huff in annoyance

"Let's go, O'Malley." Dr. Bailey says before Nate, George and Izzie follow after their resident. Cristina, Meredith, and Tori then follow a few steps behind them.

"Ah-hmm. Hey so, um, after rounds we have something to show you." Cristina says as Meredith looks a bit stunned

"Mer? Meredith, can you hear us?" Izzie asks.

"She's not deaf, Izzie ." Victoria tells Izzie.

"Well, she looks weird." Izzie says.

"Well, what did you expect? Derek didn't pick her, she's gone mental." Cristina says which makes Victoria look up from what she was doing and stare at her friend.

"Meredith, have you gone mental?" Izzie asks Meredith with a smirk on her face.

"I have not gone mental." Meredith shouts as she looks at Izzie Stevens

"See, okay she's fine." Tori says.

"We have something to show you. So whatever you do, do not get assigned to a surgery this morning." Cristina says as the interns were walking onto an elevator, except for Meredith who saw a glimpse of Derek and Addison walking out of the elevator next to the interns. Meredith stared at them. A group of guys point and look at Meredith. Then Cristina comes out and takes Meredith into the elevator.

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