Chapter 35. Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response

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Season 2 Episode 26

Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response

Victoria and Dr. Bailey are in front of the hospital helping Dr. Burke who has just been shot.

Christina and Nathaniel walk into the ER seeing the Chief.

"Chief! How bad is it? It looks bad. Um, me and Nate are here. We can help. If there's anything surgical, we can help." Christina says.

"Why don't you two go run Trauma 2, Dr. Kingsley, Dr. Yang,? " Richard asks the two interns.

"We get to run Trauma 2 all by ourselves? " Nathaniel says then him and Christina both look at the chief.

"Yes, but find me if you guys need help. And get consults. Cristina, Nate." Richard says.

"We're on it." Christina says.


Cristina and Nate run off to Trauma 2. Richard walks to the entrance where Tori and Dr. Bailey are wheeling Dr. Burke inside.

"How bad is it?"  Richard asks them.

"Uh, GSW to the right shoulder. He's lost a lot of blood." Dr. Bailey answers Richard's question.

"All right. Get him to Trauma 1 and keep the blinds closed. Nate is with Yang on the floor." Richard explains.

In trauma 2

"Self inflicted GSW to the head. Pulse is thready." The doctor says.

"This guy's the shooter?" Christina asks the doctor whilst Nate reads the patient's file.

"Yep. Emptied his clip, then shot himself." The Doctor explains to the interns.

"And blew off half his head. Ok, ok. Um, push one of epi and get him on the monitor."Nate says to the doctor.

"You guys are running this? "The doctor asks.

"Damn right, we are." Christina says.

Burke's ER. Burke is struggling to get off the gurney.

"Hey. Wait." Tori says to stop Dr. Burke from sitting up.

"I'm fine." Dr. Burke says.

"You need to lay down. You've lost a lot of blood. " Richard tells Dr. Burke.

"I'm fine. Let go. I'm fine. I have a patient that I have to go check on." Dr. Burke says.

"No, no. No, you are the patient. Lay down." Dr. Bailey says to Dr. Burke.

"Dr. Bailey, Tori when did you guys get here?" Dr. Burke chuckles.

"Page your brother Tori." Richard says to Victoria.

"Yes, sir." Tori says doing as she's told.

Cristina and Nate are in the ER.

Christina is doing a CPR on Petey.

Derek walks past the window and enters the ER where Burke is. As the door opens, Cristina sees Dr. Burke inside.

" Take over compressions" Christina says to Nate.

Cristina goes into Burke's ER room.

"You're shot? " Christina asks Dr. Burke.

"Cristina? " Dr. Burke asks Christina.

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