Chapter 32. Blues for Sister Someone

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Season 2 Episode 23

Surprise I've just finishing writing so here the early update hope you enjoy this.

Blues for Sister Someone

"Ha ha really he did that?" Tori says sitting next to her future mother in- law who's holding her grandson whilst Tori is stroking Nala their pet  dog on their

"Yes I still have the pictures I'll show them to you when you next come to the house. He always k ew he wanted to become a surgeon and work with bones always was either a doctor or skeleton on Halloween ." Dr. Elizabeth says holding her grandson Christopher Kingsley.

"I'd love to see these pictures I can't wait for Chris to dress up." Tori says

"Definitely I will show you them at home. Tori darling it's been great seeing you but I've got to get back to work." Dr. Elizabeth Kingsley says giving her grandson her last kiss them a hug with her future daughter in law.

"Bye it's been lovely seeing you. Chris loves you Eliza...

"Mum call me mum Tori you'll become an amazing daughter of me and Edward." Dr. Elizabeth Kingsley says with a big smile on her face being proud to be saying the words she's said.

"Thank you I will mum." Tori says with a smile on her face.

"Obviously, I can't go out with him, right?" Meredith asks Alex as they go through some charts.

"Do I look like a chick to you? Do I look like I care about yeast cream or tingling feelings? I mean, he's not in jail or on drugs or keeping body parts in his basement. You want to do him, do him." Alex asks Meredith.

"Not do him. Date him. I'm not doing anybody. I'm knitting." Meredith asks.

"I need Eugene Foote's chart." Christina asks as she comes over with Victoria.

"Who are we talking about?" What are we talking about?" Tori asks bring a little bit confused.

"It's weird, right? I mean, he's Derek's vet. He's Doc's vet. He's my vet. He's McVet. It's weird to date him, right?" Meredith asks her friends.

"Say that again we'll done I knew you could find someone else your a good looking women and a very smart one if I say so myself." Tori says to Meredith.

"Wait, did you say vet?" Christina asks Meredith.

"Mm-hmm." Meredith.

"Like animals? Oh, you can't date a vet." Christina tells Meredith.

"What is so bad with a vet is that so wrong? Maybe that's what Mere needs for awhile." Tori says.

"He's not even a real doctor." Christina says.

"Christina, stop being mean about people's professions who cares about his job think about the romance mere and the man has a job at least remember she needs to get rid of George's problem then maybe he'll move back in with her being so distracted meaning he leaves your place Ah?" Tori says talking to persuade Christina.


Nate walks over to his fiancé and gives her a quick kiss then they stop and listen to their group.

Just then all of them see Addison spilling her coffee over herself, " sex...I need that. Ha, ha, very funny." Addison says.

"Must not have gone so well this morning," Meredith says whispering to the group.

"Hey V I need you and I need another intern, now," Addison says.

"I'm with Bailey," Meredith tells Addison.

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