Chapter 37. Time Has Come Today

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Season 3 Episode 1

Time Has Come Today

All the interns gather outside of the bathroom door where Izzie has been inside all night long.

"Izzie. Izzie, come on!" Alex says whist knocking on the door to the bathroom that Izzie won't let him in. Izzie is on her own laying on the floor still in her pink dress after the prom.

"Okay, she's been in there all night. We have to do something." George says to everyone.

"Yeah." Alex says.

"Yeah." Meredith says.

"Yeah." Christina says.

"Yeah." Tori says whilst  holding Christopher then turns to look at Meredith.

"Why are you all looking at me?" Meredith asks.

"Yeah, but you're all dark and twisty inside. Mere you e been through this experience." Tori says.

"Dark and twisty?" Meredith says.

"The mother with the Altzheimers thing, and the father that you don't talk to." Christina says.

"BOO!!" Christopher shouts out. This makes all the interns laugh out.

"The tequila thing, and the inappropriate men thing..." Alex explains.

"You are dark and twisty inside Meredith, and now Izzie is dark and twisty inside." George explains.

"So now all the sudden I'm the president of people with crappy lives?" Meredith asks her friends.

"Seriously we have to do something. Someone has to go in there." Nate says and everybody nods their head agreeing.


"Why are we making sandwiches again?" Christina asks Meredith.

"It's what you do when someone dies. You cook." Meredith answers Christina's question.

"Yeah. I know what to do when someone dies. I am a jew. I know food and death. It's Shivah." Christina says.

"Is Shivah even if she's a Catholic?" Tori asks.

"Well Shivah's what I know how to do. So yeah. It's Shivah. And if we're sitting Shivah for Denny, then we should order in cause making sandwiches is not the same as cooking." Christina explains.

"Sandwiches are comfort food." Meredith says.

"Mm not really." Tori says disagreeing.

"What's wrong with you?" Christina asks noticing the way Meredith takes a bite out of a sandwich.

"Everything with me is fine. It's Izzie we're worried about." Meredith says.

"Oh what did you do now?" Tori asks Meredith.

"Denny died. Burke got shot. Let's just have some perspective and remember that what is a tiny slightly small..." Meredith says.

"Whatever spit it out." Christina says.

"I lost my panties last night." Meredith says sighing Tori and christina look at her with slightly confused eyes before they realize what she means and they each give her a look.

"You had sex with Derek Tori's big brother in an exam room at the prom?" Christina asks with a smile as Meredith lays her head on the counter.

"Yes." Meredith says.

"Last night, you had sex with and Derek did it?" Tori asks Meredith.

"Yes.  Tori I'm sorry" Meredith says.

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