Chapter 10. Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head

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Season 2 Episode 1

Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head

"All hail the champ!" he calls out when George, and Cristina come into the bar "So, my guy Alex finally got what was coming to him. Joe asks the doctors.

"George knocked him down in one punch. You should've seen it." Christina tells him.

"I don't want to talk about it!" George says.

"Brag, champ, brag. You've earned it." Joe says when they move over to the bar where Meredith, Victoria and Nathaniel were sitting.

"Can I have a beer, please?" George asks Joe.

"Make that two. And one white wine, please Joe." Tori says.

"Let's play a game of whose life sucks the most. I'll win. I always win." Meredith says.

"No, you don't want to play with me." Christina whispers looking down at her glass of water on the bar.

"Oh, I do. I'll even go first. Derek's married." Meredith says looking at Victoria next to her whilst this made all of everyone's eyes go wide and George spits out the beer he was drinking in shock.

"George mate, beer is dripping from your nostrils." Nathaniel gives him a disgusted look and he walks away

"Told you I'd win." Meredith says.

"No, you didn't win." Christina says. This made Tori look at Christina knowing what Christina was going to say.

"Did you hear me? I said Derek is married. As in pigheaded, adulterous, liar married. Nothing you could say could top that." Meredith says this makes everyone look at Tori who looks away from their eyes.

"I'm pregnant. I win." Christina says making everyone turn to give her a shocked look other than Tori and Nathaniel as they knew before.

"Joe, you alright?" A man questions when Joe had started to groan while holding his head before he falls to the ground "Hey, Joe." The man asks.

"Ok. Maybe Joe wins." Tori says pointing at Joe and the interns get over to Joe who was on the ground to try and help him.

"Joe, like back down." Christina says.

"The medics are coming." A man says.

"You called the gurney patrol?" Joe says.

"Sit back and relax. We have to take you to the hospital to run some tests." Meredith tells Joe.

"Tests? I don't need tests. I'm fine!" Joe asks..

"Dude! You collapsed! On the floor. This is your bar. You know how filthy this floor is." Christina says to Joe.

"Radial pulse is strong." Victoria says.

"Minor skull contusions." Nate says.

"You're sleeping with someone?" Meredith asked Christina.

"What? Who?" George asked.

"Why is that such a shock? Even George managed to get some action." Christina says.

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