Chapter 21. Grandma Got Run Over by a Rein

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Season 2 Episode 12

Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer

It's all getting to be Christmas soon but all that Tori is thinking about is her own creation of new ways to protect people with the illness: Hypoplastic left heart syndrome also known as (HLHS)

"Hey babe what you doing" Nate asks seeing his girlfriend with a glass of white wine.

"I'm starting my medical methods of how to create survives in order of how to give people a better chance of having a better life instead of just dying. What about you." Tori says says.

"I'm actually sorting out house out to get ready for Christmas since I knew you would be starting the HLHS miracle method. How are you doing?" Nathaniel asks.

"I've researched what most people do but most of it don't work so I'm looking at the difference where we need more surgeries but in different times." Tori says.

"That's amazing in what way?" Nate asks her.

"Every heart surgeon uses the Norwood procedure but it doesn't always work but when it does they don't get a chance to re do because  the patient is too unwell." Tori says.

As Nathaniel he couldn't  believe he was dating someone so smart that could save patients with a extreme heart condition that may die.

As  Nate listened all he thought was  his girlfriend will be the best wife and he can't wait to marry her.
Also he wants to tell his mom about Tori's way of changing medical history.

It's late at night Nate went off to see his family since he hasn't in a while.

Tori told Nate no since she wanted to carry on her hypoplastic left heart syndrome method.

Tori was creating the process starting with the Norwood  procedure. Babies with HLHS need Norwood surgery within the first couple of days after their birth.

Then the next procedure after the Norwood procedure is the Glenn procedure.
On the morning before the two interns got in they sat in the car together and talked.

"Happy Birthday I got you a gift  and also my mom, dad and sister got you one each so you can open it at home so you can open it tonight." Nate says.

"Thanks all I need for my birthday is you." Tori says with a wide smile on her face.

"Let's go in quick before Bailey gets annoyed." Tori says with a laugh.

As Tori and Nate walk to the door in the hospital Tori starts to feel a little sick but keeps it down.
The interns followed Bailey,  whispering about their resident

"Happy birthday sunshine." Christina says giving her happy best friend.

"Happy birthday Queen Victoria." Meredith says. The two twisted sisters says then both hug her together.

"Happy birthday" Izzie says.

Then the interns concentrate on their resident.

"She's almost as wide as she is tall."

"Are her ankles swollen? Is that why she's waddling?"

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