Chapter 12. Make Me Lose Control

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Season 2 Episode 3

Make Me Lose Control

Every morning before work Victoria  Shepherd goes on a run either with it without her boyfriend this time she isn't do either. But she is running with her two best friends Meredith and Christina who can't run as well as Victoria.

Victoria ran in front of both Cristina and Meredith as the trio go up a hill to a grassy area.

"You're a stupid, evil sadist and I want to kill you." Christina says making Tori laugh at hearing her friends words.

"You girls are so out of breath. C'mon guts I do this everyday it's good for you." Victoria says.

"Endorphins are good, Endorphins are mood elevators. This is supposed to make us feel better." Meredith says.

"Oh, god,. Do you feel better?" Christina asked her friends.

"I'm stupid." Meredith says.

"Slutty mistress." Christina says to Meredith.

"Pregnant whore. Victoria says to Christina.

Happy bitch." Meredith and Christina both said.

"Sleeping with our bosses was a great idea.

"Oh." Both of them say.

"You know what's ruined for me? " Meredith says.

"Oh." Christina says.

"Ferry boats. I use to love ferry boats and Derek's got a thing for ferry boats. Now every time I see a freaking' ferry boats."  Meredith says annoyed.

"You know what's ruined for me? Coronary artery  bypass grafts and aortic aneurysms. Good I used to live aortic aneurysms." Christina says, annoyed whilst laying down on the ground.

"What about you Tori what annoys you with Nate?" Meredith asks.

"Nothing really I'll tell you what he is the best cook seriously he can cook anything.

Aren't you lucky  Mcsexy that
McYummy cooks McYummy food.

"Wait what's with the names?" Victoria asks her friends.

"We'll in the hospital people have been calling you McSexy and Nate  is getting called McYummy. Because you two are." Christina says which makes her, Tori and Meredith laugh.

The three girls got into the locker room to get ready. Meredith, Cristina, Tori, Nate and lastly George all watched Alex and Izzie giggling and talking to each other.

All the interns didn't know what was going on between them.

"What is she doing?" Tori asks out loud watching Alex and Izzie laughing together.

"She's hanging out with Alex." George answers his best friend's answer.

"Why?" Cristina asks George.

"I don't know," Looking George say as he carries in looking at Alex and Izzie laughing , "I think-think they, uh, might be friends," George once again says, as they all watch the two laugh more before he whispers, "Make the lambs stop screaming."

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