Chapter 30. Superstition

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Season 2 Episode 21


"Mommy!!" Christopher says the moment he sees Tori and Nate come in Derek and Addison's trailer.

"Oh my goodness did I just hear my baby boys first word." Tori asked Christopher sweetly.

"All weekend he's been babbling but that's the first time he's ever said that." Addison reassures Tori excitedly.

"Oh my goodness baby boy and this is his first word all together wow not even daddy." Tori says happily and excited.

"V congratulation sis I knew you'd win $500,000 that's amazing just we you baby girl." Derek says celebrating his baby sister's award.

"What you going to spend it on?" Addison asks.

"We thought about it and I'm going to put it as money create new help for surgeries for things I'd need maybe in creating a charity out if it." Tori says answering Addison's question.

"That's amazing Tori." Addison says and Derek nods holding Christopher on his lap.

It's the new morning Nate and Tori get themself for their work day Nate goes to drop their son in child care. Whilst Tori was about to go get dressed in her uniform but stops...

'Come to my office for a chat' Chief Webber says as he pages her.

"Chief, Dr. Shepherd is here." The chief's assistant tells him.

"Let Victoria in." Richard Webber say.

"Hi Chief..." Victoria says but is stopped.

"Richard please we've known each other Tori since you're tiny and now you've had a baby a few months ago." Richard tells Tori.

"So Tori I just wanted to congratulate you on winning even though I knew you could life's going to change new ways but good. Be prepared Tori that they may be upset knowing that's happen but that will only last a week or two." Richard says to Tori.

"Ok thank you Richard that helps." Tori says then a quick hug before Tori goes to get ready for work.

"Dr. Bailey morning." Tori says to her resident.

"Morning Victoria. May I please say Congratulations!! Well done!!" Miranda Bailey says.

"Thank you Dr. Bailey." Tori says with a smile to her resident.-


"Four surgeries, four fatalities and the day has barely started" George says as he takes a look down at Cristina who is laying on the bench a
eating her granola bar.

"Can I have a bite of that?" George asks Christopher.

"No. You're in my apartment, you don't get to be in my food." Cristina answers him.

"Dr. Burke gave me a protein bar this morning." George tells Christina.

"Burke packs his lunch for him. Did I mention?" Christina says.

"I talked to the morgue guy this morning." Izzie says.

"What the one with the unibrow?" Tori asks.

"The one with the teeth thing. And he said that surgical fatalities come in threes and says telling me there will be three more before midnight." Izzie tells her friends.

"Oh well we should totally believe it because you're telling us that the morgue guy has told you so." Tori sarcastically says.

"He's the morgue guy. He knows things about death." Izzie says.

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