Chapter 28. What Have I Done to Deserve This?

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Season 2 Episode 19

What Have I Done to Deserve This?

After a few months now Christopher Kingsley is 4 months old.

"Morning Tori." Richard says.

"Morning chief.

"So now that you're back after a few months you have your son in the hospital day care visit a breaks and lunch, but it is great to have you back." Richard says before Tori goes and drops her son off.

"Hello dr. shepherd and Christopher Kingsley." The daycare  nurse says.

"Thank you m just do you know I will pick up so will Nathaniel and Derek shepherd can visit or pick up as well as his wife Addison they are the only people to collect ok." Tori says.

"Yes thank you Dr. Shepherd. Say bye bye mommy." The daycare nurse says as she holds a Christopher in her arms then Tori left to go work again.

Victoria Shepherd went to get ready for work where she sees all her friends and fiancé dressed.

"Hey how did it go?" Nate asks his Fiance.

"It was ok my a little said to pass out son over to a stranger but he's ok now he'll be playing we can visit him at lunch." Tori says with a smile to her fiancé.

Meredith is getting ready in front of the mirror tying up her hair. George walks up to brush his teeth but goes back when he realizes Meredith is there. Tori and Cristina are both standing with Izzie, then Nate and Alex who are sitting on a bench at the lockers a few feet away watching the whole situation unravel.

"50 bucks says O'Malley caught her doing Mark Sloan." Alex says then Izzie hits Alex.

Meredith heads to her locker.

"There's something going on. I mean look at them." Izzie says watching the scene.

"Alright he walked in on her doing McDreamy. "
Alex says.

Both Tori and Cristina look at him bemused and Izzie gives him a look.

"Did I just call that dude McDreamy?" Alex says.

"Oh you know you did." Tori says laughing.

"Awesome. You are ruining my life. " Alex tells Izzie.

"Ha." Izzie says laughing.

Alex moves up to Izzie really close and moves to kiss her but Izzie gets up.

"Get a room." Christina says.

Izzie walks up to them and Cristina follows her)

"Guys." Izzie says.

"Excuse me." George says.

"Oh sorry. Izzie ducks out of George's way. "What's ah...what's a going on?" Izzie asks them.

George and Meredith both give Izzie weird looks

"Nothing. " Meredith says.

"Oh you know we're going to find out anyway. " Tori says.

"You tell us and maybe we can help." Izzie says.

"There's nothing to tell." George replies.

"Oh that means there's something to tell." Christina says the thief replies.

"Come on." George says.

"There's nothing to tell." Meredith tells them.

"No. Are you gonna dish?" Tori asks him.

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