Chapter 24. Break on Through

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Season 2 Episode 15

Break on Through

Early in the morning Tori wakes up feeling kicks coming through from her son. Victoria shepherd puts her hands on to her tummy to feel the best from her son which mad e her feel excited, loved and happy.

Just as her hands are on her tummy Nate comes out of the bathroom seeing her looking down this made Nathaniel to run over to his future wife and put a hand on her tummy then felt the first feeling of his son. 

"He's proper kicking huh definetly wants some attention this is amazing." Nate says  with a massive smile on his face.

"I know it's so surreal." Tori says then kisses her fiancé.

"I've been pages so I'll take my car and leave you yours ok?" Nate says.

"Yeah it's fine I can still drive just a few more months then I can't." Tori says.

After Dr. Nathaniel Kingsley left Tori heard her phone ringing, as she looked at the screen she saw her mom was ringing.

Phone call:

T: Tori
C: Carolyn

T:"Hi mom you doing ok?" Tori asks.
C:" yeah I'm fine how are you and my new grandchild to be doing?" Carolyn Shepherd asks her youngest daughter.

T:"I'm doing really well Nate too and our child to come is doing great."
C: "Do you know what your having?" Carolyn asked wanting to know.

T:"Well my and Nathaniel are having a boy." Tori says answering her Mum's question.

C:" A grandson oh my god amazing I can't believe it all those girls and now a boy congratulations baby girl." Carolyn says.

T: " thanks I can't wait and so does Nate he's on the way to tell his parents." Tori says

C: "You two will be amazing parents I've got to go baby I hope to see you soon and the baby." Carolyn says.

T :" Love you too, see you soon." Tooting says then her phone turned off.

Nathaniel and Victoria got out of their car together since Tori is now overly pregnant and can't drive anymore.

Just as the two of them begin to walk holding hands they begin to hear shouting and screaming coming around.

"Fair hours, fair wages!" The nurses were chanting in front of the hospital where Tori, Nate and, Izzie with  George watching the nurses.

"Can't. Can't, can't cross the picket line. I can't."George says.

"I don't like it either, George, but what choice do we have? Ok you took an oath to heal. You're a healer." Izzie tells George.

"Dad's a truck driver. Mom's a teacher. The evening news shows me crossing the picket line...they'll outlive me just to pee on my grave." George tells Izzie and the group give him an odd look.

"Has there been any blood yet?" Cristina asked as she came over to the intern group behind them, wrapping her arms over both George and Izzie's shoulders. "I hear they brought in scab nurses." Christina says.

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