Chapter 15. Into You Like a Train

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Season 2 Episode 6

Into You Like a Train

The interns were all sat in the bar after 30 hours of working.

Victoria and Nathaniel sat next to each other and have both stopped drinking alcohol and have gone to coffee and water, before they would drive home.

"I actually said 'Pick me.' Right? I did?" Meredith says asking everyone.

"I think it's romantic." Joe says.

"It's not romantic, Joe, it's horrifying. Horror movie horrifying. Carrie at the prom with the pig's blood horrifying." Meredith says.

"Ok, fine, it's horrifying. But Carrie took out an entire senior class as revenge. Gotta say, I like that in a girl. " Joe days.

"Mere stop he's just lazy and will take ages just have a drink forget about the door if he shows up good if not he's making a mistake." Tori says to Meredith.

"I said "Pick me." Meredith says.

"When you tell someone "I'll meet you later at a bar tonight," how long exactly does that mean you're supposed to wait?" Christina whispers to Tori and Nate who were sat near her asking them.

"Do you think he's really not coming?" George says.

"It is getting a little hard to watch." Izzie says out loud.

"It was hard to watch an hour ago. Now it's just pathetic." Christina says.

"Cristina!" "She is hurting, she's allowed to be pathetic." Victoria says sternly to her friend.

"Who's pathetic?" Meredith asks Christina after her words.

Nate, Tori, George and Izzie all give Cristina a look. Which Cristina looks away from them.

"You, who pretend to be my friends and my sister are calling me pathetic behind my back, in front of my face. Why don't you just dump the pig's blood on me now and get it over with?" Meredith tells her work friends.

The bar's door bell jingles as someone walks into the bar. It is Tyler the male scrub nurse. He gives a nod to them. Then somebodies pager goes off.

(He's really not coming.) Meredith Grey thought to herself.

The bar's door opened and it was Tyler the male scrub nurse. He gives a nod to the interns.

George's pager goes off first. In fact every doctor's pager starts to go off a moment after his.

"Joe, turn up the TV!" Someone at the bar says.

The bar TV is showing a train wreck on the tv screen.

"A massive train wreck occurred just outside of Seattle just minutes ago." The news reader on tv says.

Tori looks at her pager. "911." Tori says looking at her boyfriend and friends.

"We just worked a 30 hour shift." Izzie complains.

"I don't have any clean underwear. George groans.

All the interns and other doctors in the bar begin to pack up their bags.

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