Chapter 26. As We Know It

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Season 2 Episode 17

As We Know It

A/N: Sorry this is a short sentence but it's an exciting one when you read it. Hope you enjoy.

The hospital floor where there is busy people circling around. Addison is talking to Richard at the nurses' station.

Addison: Derek I am about to deal with my sister in law who is about to give birth to her second child you need to calm down.

"Tori's having her baby wow. But Calm down? I have an evacuated O.R. A bomb in a body cavy. A missing paramedic! An intern with her hand on the explosive! Two world class surgeons in harm's way! (George walks up behind them) A man on a table who may bleed out at any moment unless we move the bomb from his chest! And my favorite resident and favourite intern both in labor who you're now telling me one refusing to push! Really, calm down? You really want to say to me calm down?" Richard asks Addison.

"Ok don't calm down!" Addison says.

"Dr. Bailey is scared, sir. It's a day to be scared." George says.

Addison: She won't let me examine her but from what I can tell her contractions are 40 seconds apart and she's refusing to push. The baby could go into distress and if she doesn't come out of this and soon, then I'm gonna need an O.R to do an emergency C-section.

I can't give you an O.R Addie! I don't have an O.R to give. Can't you convince her to push? Bailey's rational." Richard asks Addison.

"She's not Bailey right now! She's a woman in labor whose husband is in surgery next to a bomb. " Addison tells him.

"So is yours." Richard says.

"This is about Bailey. I need an O.R." Addison says.

"I don't know what to tell you." Richard says to them.

"Look Richard, we have about an hour to change Bailey's mind and then I'm going to need you to get me an O.R. Build me an O.R. Find me a helicopter to fly me to any O.R in the city. Otherwise instead of having a baby, she'll be losing one. " Addison says then walks off.

Richard gives George a look and George scurries off. Richard sits down looking very stressed out.

Nurse Debbie comes over to him, "Here's the blueprints you asked for Chief." Nurse Debbie says.

She hands Richard some rolled up blueprints)

"Ah, thanks" Richard tells her.

In Bailey's hospital room she's sitting on a chair in pain. George is standing in front of her.

" Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd just talked to the Chief. They're really worried about you. She's on the phone with Mercy West right now to see if they have any OR's available." George says telling Bailey.

"I need someone to drive me home." Bailey says.

"They're talking about doing an emergency C-section. " George tells her.

"They can talk all they want. I'm not going to Mercy West. This baby is not coming out. I need a ride! I can't focus enough to drive myself. (her voice cracks) And Tucker ... I need a ride." Bailey says.

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