Chapter 29. Band-Aid Covers the Bullet Hole

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Season 2 Episode 20

Band-Aid Covers the Bullet Hole

It's early in the morning and Tori and Nate are already up and ready for their day since their son Christopher who is a few months older has woken them up.

"Christopher what are we going to do with you huh waking up so fast you're going to be tired tonight and today at daycare." Victoria says to her son.

All Christopher did was babel to his mommy Dr. Victoria Shepherd.

Whilst Tori sat with her son in the lounge Tori was disturbed by her phone calling.

V- Victoria
A- Amelia

A- "Hey V baby girl how are you and Christopher doing?"
V- "Hey Amy, yeah I'm good and so is Christopher I'd doing well. "
A: "-" That's nice I'd love to see him. I rang to tell you I can come to the wedding but don't want to be the facade as a bridesmaid " Amelia says.
V- "I'd love you to see him and yes don't worry I've got some friends at work that will be bridesmaids don't stress " Tori says to her.
A: "ok cool we'll I will love to see

As Nate and Tori got to work they got their son Christopher out if the car and in to a baby holder.

Tori starts to walk holding her son but Nate was not following he stopped to answer a phone call.

N: Nate
E: Elizabeth Kingsley

N: "Hey mom" Bate says.

E: "Hi baby I'm ringing to ask if you needed travel for the Harper Avery award?" Elizabeth asks her son.

N: "Yeah don't worry me and Tori have travel are you gonna come and sit with us at the awards. " Nate asks his mother.

E: "Yes I told Catherine to put us together how's my baby boy Christopher doing?" Elizabeth asks her son about her grandson.

N: "Christopher is doing well lots of babbling wanting to talk but I'm on I've got to go in to work see you soon" Nate says.

E: "Ok love you see you soon. " Elizabeth says telling her son.

As Nate quickly gets dressed for work he is met by his fiancé.

"Hey babe you ok ?" Tori says as she sees Nate.

"Yeah I'm fine it was my mom in the phone asking if we had transport for the awards I should be asking you how you are not the other way." Nate says.

"I'm doing great I have my fiancé, my son my job and maybe even an award that I might win in my years as an intern ah." Tori says then quickly kisses Nate before both of them leave the room to meet Dr. Bailey.

"What happened to George's hair? Is he having a nervous breakdown?" Izzie whispers to the other intern friends as they walked behind their resident Dr. Bailey and George who stands next to Bailey.

"He looks uncomfortable in my eyes." Tori says looking at her boy best friend.

"Burke says he's got issues. Uh you should see them together. Like doing things, like running...and cooking and talking. They're like bonding." Cristina says answering their question.

"And you're afraid that Burke will realize he makes a better girlfriend than you?" Izzie jokes which makes Cristina to turn around and looks at Izzie before she's turns back around.

"You know Meredith, just go and apologize to him." Tori says looking at Meredith

"I've tried." Meredith says.

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