Chapter 4. No Man's Land

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Season 1 Episode 4

No Man's Land

You are the first person they see in the morning. You say please. You say thank you. You apologize for waking them up," Dr. Bailey tells her interns in the locker room when Alex comes in late. "You make them feel good about you. Why is that important? Cause then they'll talk to you and tell you what's wrong. Why is that important? Because then you can tell your attending what they need to know during rounds. And why is that important? Because if you make your resident look bad, she'll torture you until you beg for your mama.Now get out there. I want morning rounds done by 5:30 am."

"I'd better get good patients today. Yesterday I had two guys with colostomies who needed dressing changes every 15 minutes." Meredith tells Christina and Tori.

"I'm gonna be in surgery. Today's my day." Christina tells the girls.

"Really how?" Tori asked Christina whilst putting different show into her locker.

"Like I'd tell you." Christina says.

"What do you know?" Meredith asked Christina.

"l know l was here at 4:00, and you two didn't get here till 4:30." Christina says to Meredith.

"Tell us." Meredith says.

"No. l'm not the intern who's screwing an attending." Christina says aiming at Meredith.

"l am not screw-" Meredith says as the girls walk out of the hospital room and Derek steps in front of her as Tori and Christina walked away giving Meredith and Derek private time.

"O'Malley, Grey, Kingsley and Shepherd go get me Karev and head down to Trauma. Dr. Shepherd needs you both" Dr. Bailey delegates her interns.

"Shepherd's in surgery." Meredith tells her resident.

"He got pulled before he could start." Bailey says as they find Alex before heading in to a hospital room where they see a patients who was lying down with something in his head.

"Those look like..." Meredith stayed to say.

"Nails."Derek answer the end of Meredith's words.

"I can't see my hands." The patient said which shocked all of the interns to see the patient with screws in his head.

"Oh, my God. He's conscious." George said shocked by the patient.

"Breathe deeply, George. You won't pass out." Alex tells George.

"Use 4 milligrams of morphine. Titrate up to 1 0. You know what? l don't want him to move." Derek tells the interns.

"l can't see." The patient says.

"lt's ok sir. We need just need you  to stay still, for us Mr-" Tori says

"Cruz, Jorge Cruz. He tripped and fell down a flight of stairs holding a nail gun." The nurse tells Tori the reason the patient is there for.

"Somehow he managed to miss a blood vessel. That's a minor miracle. Optic nerve's been affected. Can you feel this? Numbness on his right side. What's our immediate concern?" Derek tested the interns.

"Infection." Meredith answers Derek's question.

"l wanna pull these nails out in the next half-hour. Need a CT." Derek says.

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