Chapter 6. If Tomorrow Never Comes

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Season 1 Episode 6

If Tomorrow Never Comes

"Cristina, you're late." Dr Bailey tells Christina.

"So is Meredith." Christina says trying to get out of being in trouble with her resident.

"When we walk in this door, you will maintain decorum. You will not laugh, vomit, or drop your jaw. Are we understood?" Bailey explains to her interns.

"Why would we laugh?" Izzie asked.

"Oh, just you wait." Alex says as Bailey opens the door to the hospital room.

"Good morning, Miss Connors." Bailey says to the patient.

"Good morning." Annie says.

"What is it?" George whispers asking Cristina.

"Tumor." Christina tells a George whilst she  looked at him like he's stupid.

"Good morning, Annie. How are you? This is Dr. Bailey, and these are my fellow interns." Alex said to our patient.

"Dr. Karev, we refer to patients as "miss." Dr Bailey told Alex.

"l told him to call me ''Annie.'' ''Miss Connors'' makes me feel old and fat, which l am, but why feel that way?" Annie told Dr. Bailey.

"Good morning." Dr. Burke says as he comes in to the hospital room where we are with the patient.

"Annie, this is Dr. Burke. Awesome surgeon." Alex whispering the last part

"Dr. Karev." Bailey said sternly.

"Annie Connors is a 43-year-old woman who presented last night with progressive shortness of breath the past three months. No Found to have a very large tumor of unknown origin pressed against her diaphragm. Stable vital signs. Scheduled for CT this morning, sir." Alex says after our resident told him to present to the room.

"Thank you, Dr. Karev. Are you at all claustrophobic?" Dr. Burke asked her.

"l've been housebound for the last year. How claustrophobic could l be?" Annie tells us all.

"All right. Dr. Stevens is going to take you up for a CT. lt'll give us a better look at the tumor, - and we'll know how to proceed." Dr. Burke explains to Annie.

"Could someone tell my mom? She'll worry if she gets back, and l'm not here." Annie asked.

"Yeah, of course. Of course." Dr. Burke says.

"And would it be possible for Alex to take me instead? l mean, he...He's just so fun to look at." Annie request which made Alex laugh after hearing Annie's words.

"Annie." Alex says to the patient.

"Sure. Sure, Ms. Connors. Excuse me. Dr. Burke says.

"How much do you think it weighs?" Izzie asked the interns wondering how much. walk to the next patient's room.

"60 pounds."George guessed.

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