Chapter 23. Tell Me Sweet Little Lies

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Season 2 Episode 14

Tell Me Sweet Little Lies

"Hey Derek thanks for meeting me."  Nate says to his girlfriends brother.

The young and older man dat down on a bench.

"What's going on Nate you ok, Tori ok?" Derek asks.

"Derek I've been brought up by my parents and grandfather to know what's the right way to live and grow up." Nate says and Derek nods his head listening to Nate's words.
"So I knew this would be the best way to do this, Derek Tori has looked at you her whole life as her father which takes me in to the next thing I will protect and care for her till they day I die so May I ask you to let me to marry her?" Nate says.

"Nathaniel Kingsley I would be honoured for you to marry Tori I trust you respect you you are a good man and in a great family to be brought in to. So yes how are you going to do it?" Derek says.

Just in that moment Nathaniel showed him the ring.

"This is actually my grandfathers ring that he gave to my grandma to marry her he put it in a box and cleaned it up. Then told me when I'm ready granny should of lived to meet Tori and she actually reminds him of her." Nate says showing Derek the ring he will asks Tori to marry him.

Wow Nate it's beautiful Tori will love it. Good job and I can't wait to have you as part of the family Nate." Derek says.
After work one day Nathaniel took Tori by surprise to a beautiful private restaurant where she could see it empty with thousands of lights and white roses which Tori olives most compared to red.

"Wow it's beautiful here babe. I can't believe we've been dating for  two years now it's so romantic here." Tori says as they walked in to the restaurant.

"I rented this restaurant this evening so that we have good service what do you think?" Nate says.

"I think it's lovely babe I love Italian food."

The young couple had a lovely dinner and dessert.

"Tori I can't tell you how much I love you since the day I met you I wanted to talk to you and how amazing your smart brain you have at the age you are. Every day is a better day that I have been with you. I have never met someone so amazing like you which is why I want to ask you something.

Dr. Victoria Shepherd will you do me the honour to marry me and live with me for the rest of our lives and our child and future children to come?" Nate says as mr went down in his knee.

Victoria shepherd looks at her boyfriend if one year. Then says, " yes of course I'll marry you I wanted to the day you had a chat and we became friends it's only and never anybody else." Tori says as he slips the ring in her finger and it perfectly fits.

"Tori this ring has a story it was actually my grandma Grace's engagement ring which was the one grandpa got with his money after his residency, she never needed another ring after that she happy with the ring that had so much love in it and he looks at you and can't not see a lot in you that he saw in my grandma Grace.

"That's amazing I love this ring it's so different and magical babe I love it." Tori says.

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