AZI Volume 5 Prologue - Long Hua

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Closing her eyes, Mo-laoban raises a cold snort before falling back onto the chair behind her.

With Mo-laoban having forfeited her rights to bid on the black jadeite flute, Long Hua looks to the bid caller, Dan'er, and shouts—


Glancing towards Mo-laoban's direction, and waiting for a moment only to see the former not responding, Dan'er clears her throat, and announces—

"3,200,001 NWD! Going once, going twice... Sold!"

As soon as the podium is hammered, Long Hua also falls back into his seat, and remarks—

"...Never thought a flute would be this difficult to buy."


Finally free to laugh, Bai Wen does so uncontrollably.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Long Hua turns to Bai Wen with evident annoyance, and says—

"Lao Bai, can you not laugh like such a slut?"

"Lao Long, can you...- Pff... Can you really blame me?"

"L-Long-xiong, ahaha..."

Wiping away the tears in her eyes, Zhen Qing Huai adds—

"Ai, you really can't blame Lao Bai. Who in their right mind would keep a fan—with those words on it, on their person at all times?"

Choosing to ignore the two, Long Hua refills his cup, and takes a sip.


On the third floor—

"It's over... In more ways than one..."

Despite having his item sold for the price of 3,200,001 NWD, Chen Lan doesn't feel a hint of happiness, as he bangs his head against the wall.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Brother Chen, dinner is still on you, right?"

As those not in the know turn to Chen Lan in bewilderment, Li Zi Xiang, Shao Tianming, and Wang Yongning cast a gaze of pity towards Chen Lan.

Raising a sigh, Shao Tianming says—

"I suggest you all give up on that dinner."

"Ah, why?"

"The buyer of the flute is surnamed Long."

"Who exactly is this surnamed Long?"

The person asking this is another core member of the hall, and being only 18 years of age, he is considered to be one of the youngest individuals with this rank.

Answering the individual, who is dressed in a tanned leather jacket over a white shirt, and a pair of jeans, Shao Tianming says—

"His name is Long Hua, and he's the reason why Chen Lan lost his salary for the month."

"Long Hua?"

Blinking his eyes, Zhāng Yǒng (张勇)—the one who had asked the question, can't help but glance at a young lady, who is of similar age to him.

"Long Hua...?"

Muttering the name, the young lady—who is dressed in a red hoodie over a white shirt with a pair of knee-length black pants, frowns.

The name of this young lady is Huī'er (辉儿), and towards her, the nearby members of the hall says—

"It should be someone else with the same name."

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