AZI Volume 5 Chapter 50.5 Part 2 Intermission - Message Exchange

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[Extract the fragmented souls of the collapsed planets?]

[Combining the fragmented souls into one?]

[The creation of a metal vessel to contain a planet's soul?]

[...As advanced as our world's technology is, an idea of this sort is still nonsense.]

Towards Sui Yan's proposal of creating an artificial planet out of metal, the members of the online meeting had naturally dismissed it to be nonsense.

And towards their remarks, Sui Yan replies—

"A researcher's job is to offer suggestions to an issue. That's all I'm doing. Whether to go with it or not, the choice is naturally up to the decision makers."



Unable to say much else, the participants of the meeting begin to log off.


A few hours after the meeting—


Filling out the paperwork needed to send food supplies to Colony Seven, Xu Qingxiang raises a sigh, as she sends the documents through email.


Leaning back in her office chair, Xu Qingxiang stares at the ceiling, while contemplating the proposal that Sui Yan had given.

As a means to save space, all the personal residences on the ship shares a uniformed design and layout.

Meaning, the room that Xu Qingxiang possesses isn't very different from Sui Yan's room.

Although if a difference must be pointed out, then it would have to be the presence of a window beside the desk.

(Collect the fragmented souls of old planets, then combine them. Finally, transferring them into a metal vessel... It all sounds like utter nonsense. But then again...)

Blinking her eyes, Xu Qingxiang mutters—

"...Did anyone ask if it was actually doable?"

Raising a frown, Xu Qingxiang stares at the main monitor in an absentminded manner.


Eventually, opening a messaging software, Xu Qingxiang places her hands onto the keyboard, and begins to type out a message.


Returning to her room with a smoking pipe that is decorated with a red tassel, Sui Yan shuts the door, and in the same instance—

*Ping.* a sound comes from her computer.


Throwing off her white coat, Sui Yan walks over to the office chair, and takes a seat.

[What's the possibility of your proposal succeeding?]


*Shaaa...* raising a hiss, the black serpent slithers over, and stares at the same message that had originated from "XYXiangCL03," Xu Qingxiang.

Spewing out a stream of smoke, Sui Yan rests her chin on her hand.

Eventually, Sui Yan types out—

[Collecting the fragmented souls of the collapsed planets isn't anything difficult—at least for me. As for the vessel itself, the easiest method would be to use a ship.]

Sending this message to Xu Qingxiang, Sui Yan opens her storage ring, and retrieves a self-heating kit of instant ramen and a bottle of water.

The entirety of the storage ring is crafted from jade, and throughout its body, white vein-like patterns are abundant.

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