AZI Volume 5 Chapter 37

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"Right then, thanks for the coat."

Having said this, Shen Le runs off—dressed appropriately for the cold.

(Holy, did the difficult and hard *-laoban just give something away for free?)

Towards the Tai Xuan Emperor's remark, Long Hua mutters—

"It's not free. But..."

Contemplating about how he should answer this, Long Hua eventually says—

"I don't know? People like her—makes the world that much more interesting. Dreamers, regardless of whether or not they succeed, they tend to create some interesting laughs. I like seeing people of her nature struggle, and fail—only to maybe stand back up again."

(The viewpoint of a god.)

Towards this remark, Long Hua sinks into thought—

("God..." is this path right for me? I...)

Narrowing his eyes, Long Hua parts his lips.

(A god is meant to be an individual that judges the worth of mortals. They will not voluntarily grant aid to everyone who prays for their hand. Only if a mortal struggles to the end, does a god see fit to grace them with aid; because of this, a god can never be a hero—for their task is to select the hero. That means, a god shouldn't interfere needlessly with the mortal realm. ...Sounds like a path, far lonelier than being a practitioner—that is made to watch those near them die of old age or battle.)

Due to the potential of the black crocodilian weapon spirit being nearby still, not a single person is willing to break the entrance's blockage, and head outside to scout.

That being the case, examining the fainted murals became a way to pass the time. However—

"Hey, with how fainted these things are, we can't possibly hope to examine them for shit, right?"

Giving up quickly, Shao Tianming heaves a sigh towards the ceiling.

"No, I wouldn't be too sure about that..."

Constricting his eyes, Wang Yongning is surprised to see the murals that should have been faint becoming clearer and clearer by the passing second.

"The hell kind of logic is this?"

"Maybe it's because of the temperature?"

Simultaneously, all eyes are drawn to the three murals.

On each mural, there is text written onto their upper right corner. However, no one seems to be able to understand them due to them being written in an ancient tongue.

"Hey, this one looks...?"

"Like the island we arrived on?"

Hearing this, all heads turn towards the mural that is to the right of the blocked entrance.

The shape of the image on this mural is indeed similar to the island that the entire excavation team had arrived on during entry—at least for those who had been observant enough to recall the island's shape.

"Then is this the island we're currently on?"

"So, they're maps basically?"

"The positioning of these murals is very... They're not being separated by a set interval, maybe it's a direction?"


Paying keen attention to the murals, Long Hua thought—

(Hmm, the fact that they only become clear at a certain temperature... Was it because there was the potential of spies being mixed into the gatherings that used these murals, so they used this as a means to hide their strategy? The other vague shapes on the murals—if they really are maps, are those shapes meant to represent other buildings? Surrounding the island right now is an ocean, so... Does that mean that there is an entire city currently buried beneath the waters? ...There's also a few marked areas, did they set something there—like a magic array?)

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