AZI Volume 5 Chapter 19

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A few days later in the airport of GC012's third ward, on its second floor, where one of its boarding areas is—

"You were really planning to leave without saying a word, my dearest?"


Facing Wu Xiao, who has her hood raised over her head, Long Hua sighs, as he looks up to the ceiling, which is made up of numerous glass panels incased within a colossal snowflake frame.


Standing behind Long Hua is Tian Cheng, and a few meters behind her are the other members of the office.

"For real, that's the wife?"

"Surprisingly, they feel kind of natural together..."

Making these remarks are Ye Chen and Li Xue respectively, whereas Yu Ji and Qing Yue can only blink their eyes.

(Surnamed Long became the proprietor of the Lan Si Restaurant?)

Just as Qing Yue had thought of this—

"Come now, my dearest, say something."

With an impatient look on her face that is hidden by her hood, Wu Xiao tilts her head, to which, Long Hua asks—

"Is there really a need to put this much effort into an act?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Wu Xiao replies—

"I'm bored. Playing around with you helps to shave off time."

"For a worthless reason like that, you'd drive yourself over to the airport?"

"Why not? Besides, isn't it natural for a wife to see her husband off? You could even praise me by saying that I'm dedicated in this situation."


Turning around, Long Hua says—

"Surnamed Mo, remember, I'm something that you can never hope to obtain."

"What a cheesy ass line to say..."

As Long Hua begins to move towards the others, Wu Xiao adds—

"Remember our deal. Any flutes you find-"

"Are yours."


Having confirmed this, Wu Xiao turns the other way, and heads off.

As Long Hua approaches them, Ye Chen asks—

"No hugs, no kisses, no nothing? Only words that sound like two people, who are already fed up with their marriage life?"

"Piss off, surnamed Ye. When you realized there's more to life than love and marriage—that is when you've actually grown up."


Being told this by someone who looks evidently younger than himself, causes Ye Chen's expression to turn odd.


Staring out at the window of the boarding area, Yu Ji nervously asks—

"...So that's our ride?"


The white body of the high-speed jet is rather narrow, reminiscent of a missile.

Momentarily, a staff member walks over, and says—

"Please follow me."

"...Right, let's go."

With no time left to waste, the group is guided by the staff member—to board the high-speed jet, which had been reserved to take them to the airport closest to the ruins.

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